Shipper names??

Lol! Yah I really like hers too! I'm a big Sara shipper, pair her with anyone and I'll read the fan fic!
Gofia -- Grissom/Sofia or some call it the New GSR

now i could handle that being GSR

'Swara' That's a clever name too.

it's actually Checkmate now cos o' CTB ep. when rick plays chess w/griss & WINS!

Those two don't seem to have much of a fan base though.

yeah, why is that people?... i been tryin' to drum up support for these two... antagonism, what a way to start... but it could be all the fics i read, that or just cos i'm a saraslut :eek:

tee hee 'cowpokes'... tee-hee :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: