If you could tell us which episodes you want, we certainly may be able to help you. To the best of my knowledge, this doesn't exist yet.
Edited: The list NOW exists:
Season 1 :
Disc 1 : Pilot
Cool Change
Crate’n Burial
Pledging Mr. Johnson
Disc 2 : Friends & Lovers
Who Are You?
Blood Drops
Disc 3 : Unfriendly Skies
Sex, Lies and Larvae
I-15 Murders
Fahrenheit 932
Disc 4 : Boom
To Halve and to Hold
Table Stakes
Too Tough to Die
Disc 5 : Face Lift
$35K O.B.O.
Gentle, Gentle
Sounds of Silence
Disc 6 : Justice is Served
Evaluation Day
The Strip Strangler
Special Features
Season 2 :
Disc 1 : Burked
Chaos Theory
Bully For You
Disc 2 : Scuba Doobie-Doo
Alter Boys
Slaves of Las Vegas
Disc 3 : And Then There Were None
Organ Grinder
You’ve Got Male
Disc 4: Identity Crisis
The Finger
Burden of Proof
Primum Non Nocere
Disc 5: Felonius Monk
Chasing the Bus
Cats in the Cradle…
Discs 6: Anatony of a Lye
The Hunger Artist
Special Features
Season 3:
Disc 1: Revenge is Best Served Cold
The Accused is Entitled
Let The Seller Beware
A Little Murder
Disc 2: Abra Cadaver
The Execution of Catherine Willows
Fight Night
Disc 3: Blood Lust
High And Low
Recipe for Murder
Got Murder?
Disc 4: Random Acts of Violence
One Hit Wonder
Lady Heather’s Box
Lucky Strike
Disc 5: Crash And Burn
Precious Metal
A Night At The Movies
Last Laugh
Disc 6: Forever
Play With Fire
Inside the Box
Special Features
Season 4:
Disc 1: Assume Nothing
All For Our Country
Invisible Evidence
Disc 2: Fur And Loathing
Invisible Evidence
After The Show
Disc 3: Grissom Versus The Volcano
Coming Of Rage
Eleven Angry Jurors
Disc 4: Suckers
Paper Or Plastic?
Early Rollout
Getting Off
Disc 5: XX
Bad To The Bone
Bad Words
Dear Ringer
Disc 6: Turn Of The Screws
No More Bets
Special Features
Season 5:
Disc 1: Viva Las Vegas
Down The Drain
Crow’s Feet
Disc 2: Swap Meet
What’s Eating Gilbert Grissom?
Disc 3: Mea Culpa
No Humans Involved
Who Shot Sherlock?
Disc 4: Nesting Dolls
King Baby
Big Middle
Disc 5: Compulsion
Spark Of Life
4 X 4
Hollywood Brass
Disc 6: Committed
Weeping Willows
Disc 7: Grave Danger volume 1
Grave Danger volume 2
Special Features