Separated at Birth (Sports Version)


Lab Technician
Hello Everyone!

I decided to open up a thread in which we can compare popular/famous sports players to either real people or fictional charaters (i.e film, TV.)

This thread was inspired by another thread like this.......And thought it would be fun to try it here.

This thread is not intended to insult any of the sports stars

mentioned. Any reseblence is coincidental. Well, Maybe:p.


1. No Profanity (a word, expression, gesture,or other social behavior which is socially constructed or interpreted as insulting, rude and vulgar or desecrating or showing disrespect).

2. Respect for your fellow posters.

3. In reguards to pictures: Limit the size of pictures or link them.

Have Fun!:thumbsup:
Here are some examples:

Hockey Players

Roberto Luongo (Vancouver Canucks Goalie) looks like:

John Turturro - ``He is.... very very sneaky``:guffaw:

Sasha Baren Cohen (a.k.a. Borat)

Mats Sundin - Gollum, ``My PRECIOUSSS`` LOL:guffaw:

Vincent Lecavalier (Tampa Bay) looks like:

Billy Talent Lead singer - Benjamin Kowalewicz