Secrets and Lies- GSR and YoBling fic

Chapter 3: Snappy and Sweet

Catherine arrived at the lab earlier than usual. She was bored and Lindsey was still at school, then staying at a friend's for the night.

She spotted Warrick walking down the hallway and into the breakroom. She followed him, he looked upset:

"Warrick?" She said gently as she walked into the room.

"Hey Cath."

"Are you ok?"

"Do I look ok?"

"Sorry, just wanted to see if a friend wanted to talk."

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to snap."

"So, anything from the divorce court yet?"


"Don't worry about joining the thousands in the club, you will..."

"Catherine, I don't want to get over it as quickly as you did. I accused my wife of cheating on me..."

"But, wasn't she?"

"No! Catherine I accused her of cheating on me, when she wasn't. Reality check Catherine, you have this sudden bounce now that I've divorced. You seem happy at my tough break. I wasn't cheated on, but you were."

Catherine's jaw dropped, her eyes filled with the tears she hadn't cried in months. She turned her back on him and ran from the room:

"Catherine!" Warrick called. He chased after her.

Catherine ran into her office and slammed the door. Warrick opened it and closed it behind him:


"Get out!" She barked.

"I didn't mean that."

"Then why did you say it?"

"I was angry, I swear, I would never have said that. I'm so sorry." He eased closer, eventually close enough to wrap his arms around her. "Please believe me, I'm so sorry.I would never hurt you."

Catherine buried her head into his chest and cried. She felt safe to share everything with and cry in front of Warrick. Just like Sara did with Grissom:

"I...I don't like seeing you unhappy Warrick. But...when I found out that a long desired fantasy can show itself without you feeling guilty about's just overwhelming."

"I know, I know."

Catherine raised her head, "Oh look, I've got your shirt all wet."

"That's ok, I have another in my locker."

"I'm sorry if I've offended you."

"Don't be, you've not. At least I know you care for me more than my wife did."

They gazed at each other and time seemed to stop. Warrick then spoke up:

"It isn't usual that we are here before Grissom."

Grissom stirred from his slumber. He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful, angelic, sleeping face beside him. He kissed her forehead and left the bed.

He stared at the sleeping Sara Sidle in their bed. He still couldn't believe she gave him the, what he thought, 7 millionth chance to get the relationship right. Plus, agreed to live with him and buy a house together.

He loved her so much it was unbelievable. He watched her sleep for a while. She was lying on her side, an arm was draped over her stomach and the other was under the pillow. The blanket was pulled up to midwaist and her hair was spread across the sheets behind her. A few strands covered her face, so he tucked them behind her ear.

He wrote a note saying that he was going to the lab to avoid any suspicion, and then left.

TBC :D :devil:
Soooo sweet! Can't wait for Cath n Rick to get together now too! My two favroite ships!! Woooo! You've done it MissM, and we all bow down to you lol

Xx Mia-Sara xX