Secrets and Lies- GSR and YoBling fic


Lab Technician
Hey people, hope you like the new story. It was something that popped into my head. It is set after the season 6 finale.


Chapter 1: First Case of the Summer

Grissom, Sara and Catherine sat in the breakroom. They were discussing Warrick's sudden divorce from his wife Tina:

"What happened between them?" asked Sara.

"I heard that he accused her of cheating on him." replied Catherine.

"Women, they always like to gossip."

"Grissom, no we don't." Sara said shocked.

"Well, I do and I like it." Catherine added.

Catherine then stood up and left the room. Grissom glanced to Sara:

"She seems...happy." said Grissom.

"Well Gris, it doesn't take a scientist to see why." Sara replied.

"Sara? Would you explain?"

"Love Gil, love."


"Gil, she has the biggest crush on Warrick. Just like I did with you." Sara got up and walked to his side.

"Ahh, maybe not so obvious."

"I was not obvious."

"Sara, news flash. You were."

"Well sorry. I think we're doing a good job now y'know, hiding what we are."

"I think we are doing a very good job."

"I see you later, I have a case." Sara strolled off, Grissom watching her every step.

Catherine walked along the corridors and noticed Warrick sitting in his lab. She went in:

"Hey Warrick, you ok?"

"Huh, yeah Cath I'm fine."

"You sure, you seem a little off."

"Nah, I'm fine."


Catherine began to leave, but Warrick called her back:

"Yes?" She asked.

"Could I talk to you? You've been through divorce, how do you cope with the..."

"Pain? Well, it was hard to start with, afterall I had a young daughter. I guess I tried to move on, live my life, take care of Lindsey. I focussed on my work, made sure I done the best I can. I tried to date, unsuccessful, but I tried."


Catherine placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your welcome, I'm always here to talk 'Rick."

Chapter 2: Gentle Kisses

Shift had finished over an hour ago and Grissom was still in his office. He was trying to complete his paperwork without his thoughts drifting to Sara. She would either be in bed now or...damn get a grip Gil, paperwork THEN Sara...but... He couldn't stop arguing with himself. To his surprise, Sara walked into the office:

"Sara? What are you doing here?"

"That's a nice hello. Don't worry, every member of our team has left the building. Plus, it will be another 15...20 minutes before the dayshift arrive."

"You are supposed to be home by now."

"Yes daddy."

"Sara." Grissom said sternly.

"I'm only joking." Sara walked around behind his chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, your tense today."

"Technically, it's still night."

"It's actually early morning, but to us...yeah, it's night."

"Alright, alright." He turned his head and she gazed into his eyes. "Will I be able to kiss you today, tonight, whatever it is."

"Uhh...hmmm, let me" Sara laughed at his insulted expression. "Of course."

Grissom pulled her onto his lap and they kissed softly. After a few seconds, the kiss turned more passionate:

They pulled away before things got too far: "Sara, I was trying to do paperwork, without my thoughts leading to you."

"Aww poor baby. Bye." Sara gave a sly wave and was out the door.

She will be the death of me. Now, I won't be able to concentrate. "Damn you Sara Sidle." He said under his breath.

Sara was laughing on the inside. She walked past the lab techs and police officers and straight to her Denali. She got into the vehicle and drove home.

She came to a large house by Lake Mead. They valued their privacy, and the nearest neighbours were half a mile down the road. Wonder what we'll do when he gets home, breakfast by the lake, or just sleep. She thought.

She left the car and entered her new home. It was still quite foreign to her, even though she had been living with Grissom for over 6 months.

Sara decided that Grissom might just want to sleep. She noticed the fatigue in his eyes earlier. So, she walked into the bedroom, dressed into a white silk nightgown and lay on the bed. She knew he would be home soon, the reason, her kiss. When Sara kissed him, he couldn't get enough.

He turned into an insatiable creature. His male instincts took over, an animalistic personality overtook him. She loved it.

Sara heard the front door creak and click closed. She closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She heard footsteps come into the room and then the pressure of someone climbing onto the bed. She felt soft, gentle kisses be placed on her throat and fought the urge to moan at how good they felt:

"Sara." The voice was so gentle, it was obviously Grissom.

She kept her eyes closed and made a moan, pretendeing to stir from sleep. He continued the kisses on her throat and then, wrapped an arm around her waist. Sara lost the battle, she gave a slight moan of pleasure:

"I knew you were awake."

"I know." She turned to face him.

"What do you want to do? Do you want me to make you something to eat? Or, do you want to sleep."

"Lie here with you, that's all I want." He answered.

Sara smiled warmly. They lay there for hours, and gradually drifted to sleep in each other's arms.

GREAT chapter - SQUEEEEE at the choc-ful-of-GSR-ness lol. Write more soon!! :D

btw ILoveGregSanders - instead of double posting, you can press the edit button and add whatever you want to add. The mods get cranky is ya double post ;) lol

Xx Mia-Sara xX
Great writing & story AGAIN MISS MURDER. :D I like the credibility of it! You keep the characters well. You are rapidly becoming one of the Fanfic writers I look at first! :D

More please!