Season one or two

Ya know, Season 1 was good, but s2 had NO Megan, and that was great. Plus, the actors had grown into their characters, and there was better development and stories. I personally like s5, then s2, then s3, then 4 and 1 last. :)
Great poll calleighspeedle
s2 was friggin greatness, the stories and the cast they just gelled better than they did in s1. not that they didn't in s1, but their chemistry was more noticeable.
Season 2 was a class act. I personally feel that it will never be bettered. The cases were interesting and original, and there was just the right balance between character development and cases. The show was very much finding it's feet in Season 1. I still enjoyed it, but it took a season for the characters to settle and probably for the audience to warm to them. I wasn't too keen on Megan really - she just didn't quite fit in and had little chemistry with Horatio.

My seasons in order of preference are 2,3,1,5, then the woeful 4. ;)
I loved season two for Wannabe alone. That's my favorite epi of all time. The rest of the episodes were really good but that one won me over.

Season one was good, I just learned to block Megan out because I thought whenever she opened her mouth most of the time she was wrong. But anyway. Seaon two, season one, season three and it's a tie with the last two seasons because they have no Speedle in them.
Wow, I have nver me people who agree with me so well. Season 2 was by far the best. If Wannabe was the only episode on ther, it would still be the best.
i cant pick between the 2.. but then again since season 1 was their first they had some things to work on... so i guess season 2 was like their improved version or somethin.... and it keeps the characters past and stories goin... so ya ok season 2 it is
post by MiamiDade: My seasons in order of preference are 2,3,1,5, then the woeful 4.

did Miami have S4 ?! :rolleyes: i can`t remember it :lol:
but i agree that S 2&3 are the best of the best. :D we have so real and human plot line storys like epis 'Witness To Murder', 'Blood Brothers', 'Big Brother'...and not in last place very good and interesting characters development ;) like u say everything was balanccd :) exactly S2 make me love this tv show :p
Season 2. It was great. It was beautiful - it was probably the best season so far.Of course there was some "team moments" in s1 but back then, H always had to tell others what to do. On season 2 - they could think on their own :p
Season 2. I much prefer the episodes in the second season and also season 3. Another poster also mentioned Megan, I agree really, I had nothing against her, but she didn't seem to fit into the cast and unfortunately I just couldn't take to her. Season 1 was great, but for me season 2 was much better. :)
I love season one it was a great start to the show, but it definately blossomed in season 2 because I think the sctors were a little more relaxed with each other and you could sense that chemistry on screen. Plus the episodes were more detailed than the first season.