**Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

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As always, I'm glad to see people enjoy the spoilers I post. I've been doing this for the past 4 or 5 seasons and it's been fun. Hopefully I'll see you all here at the same spot in July! ;)
You've done a terrific job - it's been greatly appreciated. :)

The only name I recognize is Natalia LOL. Are the others returning characters or new characters?
Returning. Patrick is the dude who kidnaps her in 9.18.

Interesting that the creepy judge is making a return. Wonder why. :confused:

On the Horatio front -- good lordy I hope they make a good casting choice. And absolutely no Marisol-lookalike, pleeease.
When this "romance" is developed, I also hope the relationship doesn't override the theme of the show which is a crime scene investigation show. I enjoy watching the CSI:Miami TEAM solving crimes and interacting with each other. I like the science and twists of the episodes along with the mystery that the crimes present. Too much romance could kill that for many viewers and actually turn viewers off. I was turned off with Horatio and Marisol because it was quickly written and seemed "forced". I hope that this romance will develop slowly (please don't let him fall in love in 5 minutes) and realistically without Horatio "saving her" and "falling for her" as he seemed to do for Marisol. A good casting choice is essential if this is to be well-received by the viewers. I just can't see Horatio taking his date out for Happy Meals. Horatio was 45 when the show started 9 seasons ago. He would have to be in his 50's now. There is nothing wrong with being 50, but an age-appropriate actress would be appreciated. I hope the writers really think this through. If an appropriate character can't be developed, I wish they would leave the romance storyline alone.
Looks like Horatio is getting carried away again, firing a shotgun into the air. Just when I thought he was getting a little better.
Did anyone else think what I was thinking with the "she'll be back next season, but only if she survives" thing? "If she becomes H's woman she won't."


Although I don't follow Miami as closely as the others, it'd be nice if he had just one girlfriend who didn't die.
When this "romance" is developed, I also hope the relationship doesn't override the theme of the show which is a crime scene investigation show. I enjoy watching the CSI:Miami TEAM solving crimes and interacting with each other. I like the science and twists of the episodes along with the mystery that the crimes present. Too much romance could kill that for many viewers and actually turn viewers off. I was turned off with Horatio and Marisol because it was quickly written and seemed "forced". I hope that this romance will develop slowly (please don't let him fall in love in 5 minutes) and realistically without Horatio "saving her" and "falling for her" as he seemed to do for Marisol. A good casting choice is essential if this is to be well-received by the viewers. I just can't see Horatio taking his date out for Happy Meals. Horatio was 45 when the show started 9 seasons ago. He would have to be in his 50's now. There is nothing wrong with being 50, but an age-appropriate actress would be appreciated. I hope the writers really think this through. If an appropriate character can't be developed, I wish they would leave the romance storyline alone.

I agree 100% on the team thing. If things shift to the romance, the show loses its appeal and thus becomes a soap. Yuck! Who wants that! :eek:

I also agree with those who say this new love interest shouldn't die either. Unless she is a nutcase, then kill her off, please.:rolleyes: So there is a possibility if this new relationship works out, she will become a regular, or recurring cast member. Perhaps, TPTB are waiting to see if fans like her??!!! Who knows what their intentions are.

But from what I read, most if not all of us want H to have an age appropriate woman in his life. I mean come on, TPTB, give H a WOMAN, not a needy girl, and make her professional in every way. And from the mention of the season finale, it sounds like they (H and new woman) will immediately like each other. That's good! But don't forget Frank who is suffering with a shotgun wound.:wtf: This is one episode I will be looking forward to with bated breath. Frank centered and now I wonder if Rex Linn will be back. Perhaps that's the intent of the writers to have us guessing. Well that's alright! As long as he returns and kept in the writing and not left in the background. :rolleyes: I mean that's never happend before right!?!? :shifty:
So they throw away EC for Horatio and Ryan possible new relationships:confused: Not that i'm getting all EC in here, but am I the only one who does not to see old ppl fall in love on tv? No offense to Horatio, I love him and all but a new girl... I think Julia should get better and get back with him, he really cares about her. AND if this new girl dies, it'd be no surprize:lol:. I hope they dont do that to the poor guy.

As for Ryan, I'd love to see him with someone, the poor guy must be soo lonely for all these years he and even Tripp havent had any love from 'lovers'.

Lastly, I hope when they develop these relationships, they KEEP them or at least give a good reason for them breaking up. I'm tired of non-continuity in this show.

WOOT WOOT for Adam's episode, the guy rocks!:eek:
So they throw away EC for Horatio and Ryan possible new relationships
There's been no indication at all that there will be anything other than friendship for Ryan and Molly so that really has nothing to do with E/C.
The relationships are probably a facet of character developments for both Horatio and Ryan(much needed for Ryan)
Definitely agree if there is a relationship for H,she be older,professional and not needy.
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Looks like Horatio is getting carried away again, firing a shotgun into the air. Just when I thought he was getting a little better.

Thanks for that comment! It is all too correct and too funny! My sentiments exactly.

On a more serious note, I am concerned that this new "romance" for Horatio might be a move on the writers part to make viewers forget Horatio's issues with police brutality this season. Horatio has thrown a perp out of a window, strong-armed witnesses for information (making Natalia very uncomfortable), threatened witnesses with physical harm, and had a bizarre encounter with a man in a police interrogation room behind a locked door. He has walked all over the constitutional/civil rights of suspects for most of the season. Nothing has been said or done, because there is no authority on this show over him or his lab that keeps him in check. Rick Stetler repeatedly encouraged Horatio to "get counseling" at different times during his tenure on the show. Maybe H should have listened! I would love to see Horatio show a little remorse for his actions and maybe be shown going into counseling in future episodes. There are a lot of storylines to be explored starting with the loss of his mother.

Perhaps the writers are thinking that a "lover" will heal him and center him again and that all of the nonsense will simply be forgotten by the viewers. Horatio's unprofessional behavior was blamed on his loss of Marisol and when he didn't shoot Memmo in "Last Stand" he was "healed". The viewers are expected to be diverted away from his antics by a "romance" storyline. Very simplistic thinking if you ask me! I long for the Horatio of seasons 1-3. I would love to see a "come to grips" season in which Horatio deals with his issues personally and professionally rather than through a "romance". I wish the writers would bring Horatio back to the caring, compassionate, professional CSI in seasons 1-3 before a romance is written in. I doubt that the writers are thinking of anything but a way to make everyone forget Horatio's "walk on the darkside" and they feel that a lover will accomplish exactly that. I don't think that it will for me. If a romance must come, I hope it is after Horatio is held accountable for his actions in Season 9.
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but am I the only one who does not to see old ppl fall in love on tv?

You are never too old for anything. Besides it's more entertaining to see (Re: Grandpa Simpson and Jack Nicholson)

I wish the writers would bring Horatio back to the caring, compassionate, professional CSI in seasons 1-3 before a romance is written in

I thought we saw a little bit of "Happy Horatio" in Season 8 but Jesse's death seems to have messed up his bearings again.
I'm not having much issue with Horatio confessing or getting help with his actions this last season as it is an evolution of the job/character. Yes, he's gotten a dark side now but that can change since he's been thru too much. I look forward to see a lighter romantic side to him-I know DC can portray that very well. Just still hope to see a woman in her late 30's or early 40's as his potential love interest..
WTH, some officers are on patrol for YEARS and NEVER fire a gun...others all the time..hey people it's miami so guns aren't a surprise..
Not sure if I need to clarify but I will; in the promo for Hunting Ground, you can see Horatio terrorizing someone, a suspect I suppose, by firing a shotgun in the air. This is what I was referring to in that comment.
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