Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*


NOTE: The show IS returning for the 8th Season, this is definitly confirmed.

With the Grissom story aside about him coming back or not, does anyone know who has signed on to do season 8? The only people I heard for sure was Marg and George Eads, anybody have any answers to this??
From Destiny: If you are going to state [insert name] has signed, please do not state "I heard" unless you can cite where you heard it from. Hopefully its something official if possible, or a news site that is reliable.

*EDITED: To add more to the title and to add in the quote.*
Re: Season 8??

Honestly I haven't heard anything officially said on any of them re-signing, not to mention the show itself hasn't been picked up for an 8th season.
Re: Season 8??

Alright there have been rumors flying around that Grissom has signed on for next year, and I remember when Brass was shot last season there was speculation that he had signed on through season 8. So has anything been confirmed yet??

Does anyone remember when they announced Season 7 last year??

I'd also like to add that Jorja Fox is in negotiations with the CBS for an extension for next season, according to Michael Ausiello, so does that mean season 8 is a go?
Re: Season 8??

From what I can recall, during the summer before season 5 [firegate], the entire cast were in negotiations to extend their contracts [everyone had been signed through the end of season 7]. PG, ES, RDH all took the deal for more $$ and screen time and signed on for season 8. GE and JF were fired, then rehired, but not allowed to negotiate so their contracts are up the end of this season. WP did not sign [at that time] and MH and GD were still "negotiating" well into season 5. Rumor was that both MH and GD finally signed a deal. During his trip to Australia last summer, GE said he had signed on for season 8. During the TCA a couple of weeks ago, CBS head Nina[?] Tassler announced that WP had signed on for season 8 and that they were going to renew for another season. WP has NOT said he signed. JF is supposed to still be "in talks", but nothing on whether or not she will/will not sign.

My take [and this is purely speculation], MH, GD, GE, and the rest will return for another season. WP may be back, but I'm taking bets it will only be for 10-12 episodes. I'm up in the air over JF. Word is the set has become a hostile enviroment for her [and others]. The writers are scripting the MCSK arc so it can go either way, heck, she could be a victim or the killer. I'm leaning to her not coming back, or only coming back part time like WP.

The thing is, until the actors or a reputable news source makes the announcement about who did or did not sign, take everything with a grain of salt. expect for the best, but plan for the worst.
Re: Season 8??

At the time of the firings, it was mentioned in all the press releases that GD was offered the same deal as ES and PG. Never saw RDH mentioned but that would account for his increased screen time this season.
Re: Season 8??

Back then MH and WP was negotating for more.
Back then GD, PG, ES, GE, JF were offered a deal of a small amount of money and more air time, GE and JF were negotating with them on the deal and PG, ES & GD were either thinking whether to take the deal offered or negotate further. When the saw that JF and GE were fired its reported that the other three PG, ES & GD took the deal they were offered without further negotations.

Shortly after that WP & MH finished their negotations, and then went to bat for JF (who didn't get her letter in, in time) and GE (Who slept through the alarm showing up late). The letter referred to means that they (those negotating) agree to continue working as is until everyone comes to an agreement and contracts signed.

CBS was already fed up when the comedy "Everybody loves Raymond" Cast decided not to show up to work, so that they could get more money, ect. so to ensure they would show for work they ALL had to sign a legal paper saying they would show up for work. Apparently someone joked that they (GE & JF) might not show up (which is not a good joke) but it turned out that the joke wasn't taken all that seriously.

Even though GE got his letter signed and in on time, when he showed up late for work, they decided to make an example and when JF didn't get her letter in, in time she to was made example of to all the other shows/actors not to mess around TPTB wouldn't put up with it. Between WP and MH lobbying for them and with GE & JF talking to TPTB (The Powers That Be) they got their jobs back.

Now to the orginial question I believe all that took place around June or July of 2004. No one really knows when negotations start or the reason for the length, alot of times its more money, more air time, dressing rooms, ect.

So I guess it would be a question of Who is negotating, who has/hasn't signed, will the show be picked up for the next season?

Might I add in this, if you are going to state [insert name] has signed, please do not state "I heard" unless you can cite where you heard it from. Hopefully its something official if possible, or a news site that is reliable.
Re: Season 8??

oh man, what are all of us going to do if we don't get season 8.

i want at least another season, but i'd be happy if they kept going til Catherine and Grissom were put in a home :)
Re: Season 8??

I hope they do a season 8 because if it is going to be the last it would enable them to tie up loose ends and not just leave us all wondering.
Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show

Moving up for those who are wondering, and please take note That the title has a slight change in it so that people can identify more and the quote added in by myself regarding discussion of re-signing, ect.
Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show

I think it was around Mar/Apr last year that I'd heard that CSI was picked up for another season(the 7th).
Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show

My assumption is that CBS will probably be picking it up again because is the only show that is keeping it high in the ratings against ABC which having a very hot season.

And if CBS is smart, they won't pull any of the same stupid stunts they did a few years ago.