Okay I have to take a pop shot at this one... BTW, Thank you so much for sharing the article!:thumbsup:
This is just my thoughts... That is all. It is in Fun!:thumbsup:
1- Okay, so the show starts with a flash of Nat and Eric together looking at their phones.
2- Ryan looking at his phone as he drops the young child off at school.
3- Then the scene ends with Calleigh looking at her phone, then at Horatio who is with her.
I just had too!!! I did! DuCaine!!!:lol:
Okay now truth... I can only hope and write my FF! :guffaw:
We're all just going to have to wait! But guessing is so much fun and daydreaming is even more!:lol:
LOL you always crack me up:guffaw:
OT: HCrazy could you please delate some PMs so I can send you one? Thanks
Its good that they are bringing some character stuff into it that isnt directly related to a case. Becasue generally on Miami you dont know anything about the characters until someone is trying to kill one of them or their family members!
Oh yeah I totally agree with you about this. Seriously it's time for TPTB to show our CSIs outside from the departement doing something in their privat life.
I think it's very nice the idea of Ryan dropping off his nephew at school :adore:
I could have seen also Delko doing something like this, but they already used his sister on s4 so I'm perfectly fin with Ryan 'cuase it's time to show a little bit more of his family. I was going to wonder if had any memeber of his family still alive since I forgot his uncle.
As for the other I'd prefer something more private possibely without relationship.
I mean I'm ok with Eric going out from his motel home & checking his car or something like this.
I'd be ok with Calleigh waking up and falling from her bed:lol: (I've been waiting for this since the beginning of the show) or in the bathroom washing her up & getting ready or Natalia trying to improve her aim while shooting.
I'd be pissed off seeing Calleigh with Eric or anyone else with a partner while they'll get beeped & called into work.
Plus I don't like the idea of someone else coming from Nat's past, what the hell did her while she was an FBI agent?:lol: