I miss the overall cohesion/family aspect of the team, and the episode really lacked that. It makes me sad that they keep shoving certain friendships under the rug, or the team just feels divided and not like an ensemble.
Now that it's confirmed that Morgan's alive, from what I've seen in the premiere, it looks like the triangle has died down/will die down, since there wasn't as much reaction from Greg compared to "CSI Down" and Hodges' concern, came across as a more brother/sister reaction IMO.... so maybe she won't play as big a part or won't have much involvement in Greg's upcoming episode (I actually, wonder if the only reason she did last season was because they were too invested in the "who's Morgan attracted to/who will she pick?" storyline, which I'm hoping they'll finally end)?
That would be fine by me if that's the case, but I still wish it was Sara instead of Finn being heavily involved, but again, it seems like certain relationships on this show are being forgotten
