Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 3

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From TV Guide online...

I need some CSI finale info. How will the characters react to McKeen's return? — Mark
ADAM: Few CSIs have more animosity toward McKeen than Nick, so he's the one to keep your eyes on. In particular, look for Nick to crumble when McKeen's scheming brings the team's credibility into question. "By the end of the finale, Nick will be in a place where he's questioning how the wheels of justice work and also questioning his role in that system," executive producer Don McGill says. "It will bring him to an existential crisis where he really, really contemplates whether or not he wants to be a CSI anymore." Hmm... George Eads is heading into contract negotiation. Say it with me: Eek!

This bit of info sparks some more interest for me. Wonder how the team's "credibility" will be put into question?

Maybe it goes back to the Haskell situation last year
I agree that for the most part it has been an ensemble season and a vast improvement on past seasons.

I'm confused about the finale though. How exactly can McKeen "wage war" on the CSI team and attempt to discredit DB when McKeen is in jail (or if he isn't, he sure as hell should be)? How is he scheming against them from jail?

Maybe it goes back to the Haskell situation last year

Maybe where Nick, Greg and Sara are concerned... and possibly Morgan since she was involved with that case in LA... but DB and Finn weren't there then and it says McKeen tries to discredit DB, so... I'm guessing his attempt to discredit DB has something to do with DB hiring Finn after what happened in Seattle. I still am a bit on the fence about this whole McKeen scheming to discredit the team plot. I just can't figure how he's doing all this from jail (he better be in jail). I mean, after what he's done, why would anyone believe him anyway?

Oh and by the way, George has been quoted as saying he'd stay with the show until its end, so I doubt he's going anywhere.
I don't think McKeen escaped. He couldn't have been set free either after being convicted (we assume) of murder. I'm figuring since it involves the new sheriff and possibly a murder set up, that's how it figures into McKeen and his behind the scenes criminal activity. Here's one of the spoilers we had gotten:

Sheriff Liston's campaign manager Gilmore seems the likely guy to have viciously whacked his wife -- but Finlay's beginning to suspect he may be the victim of a cunning frame-up.

Guess we'll have to wait and see. :)

And as for George saying he'd stay until the end....he also said at one point sometimes you have to know when to walk away when the deal isn't right. People can change their minds. :) But I think he's back next season. I think it's just to add some drama to the finale, unlike the one where we were supposed to be wondering if Ray would die or not after being stabbed, even tho we already knew he'd renewed. :rolleyes:
I assumed he escaped...I don't see anything one way or the other though.
McKeen can still have connections on the outside and possibly even within PD that can feed him information. After all, he was connected to Gedda and wasn't Gedda connected to the mob?
Wasn't Peri Gilpin on Frasier..

If so, I guess Cheers is taking over CSI. All we need now is Norm and Cliff and we're all set..

Elisabeth Harnois has had more than a few shining moments during her first season as a regular on CSI, and the season finale (airing MMay 9) will likely add another to the list when Morgan and her father “come to an understanding” of sorts. “This episode is a huge breaking open of the box, I guess,” she says. “[The finale] allows her to come to a nice place with her father, and I start to see the man behind the mask of being the tough, cantankerous undersheriff. I start to maybe sympathize with the difficulty of what he does.”
But the sense of resolution could be short-lived, she said, as the case the team works on threatens to put a wedge between them once again. “The progress almost gets blown up and destroyed. So it’s a pretty exciting and unexpected thing that happens with her and her father — and everyone else.”

Most of all Nick Stokes and Greg, who find themselves in a bit of an emotional crisis after taking on a heavily political case. “For Nick, specifically, he’s questioning whether he can do his job any more,” she says. The return of McKeen, who murdered Warrick, makes Nick feel frustrated that he is still “infiltrating their lives,” she says. “He loses it a bit. It’s a huge emotional arc.”

By the end of the hour, viewers will be left wondering whether some “very important people” will return next season, she says. “It’s honestly one of the best finales I’ve ever read in my TV experience.”

Elisabeth Harnois has had more than a few shining moments during her first season as a regular on CSI, and the season finale (airing MMay 9) will likely add another to the list when Morgan and her father “come to an understanding” of sorts. “This episode is a huge breaking open of the box, I guess,” she says. “[The finale] allows her to come to a nice place with her father, and I start to see the man behind the mask of being the tough, cantankerous undersheriff. I start to maybe sympathize with the difficulty of what he does.”
But the sense of resolution could be short-lived, she said, as the case the team works on threatens to put a wedge between them once again. “The progress almost gets blown up and destroyed. So it’s a pretty exciting and unexpected thing that happens with her and her father — and everyone else.”

Most of all Nick Stokes and Greg, who find themselves in a bit of an emotional crisis after taking on a heavily political case. “For Nick, specifically, he’s questioning whether he can do his job any more,” she says. The return of McKeen, who murdered Warrick, makes Nick feel frustrated that he is still “infiltrating their lives,” she says. “He loses it a bit. It’s a huge emotional arc.”

By the end of the hour, viewers will be left wondering whether some “very important people” will return next season, she says. “It’s honestly one of the best finales I’ve ever read in my TV experience.”

Well, before I thought the finale had better be two hours to fit everything in. Now there is more...Morgan and Ecklie it had better be at least three hours long! :lol:

I like the hints here. :D Not crazy about cliffhangers and "will they return or not?" Stuff like that doesn't worry me anymore.
Hope it's a good one :) it's been awhile since we've a good finale imo

I wonder if those "very important people" includes Grissom...hopefully! :thumbsup:

Him returning at the end would make a nice cliffhanger :) and hey the title is Homecoming

But I'm not counting on it

ETA: ^ It's possible, and possibly with the cliffhanger it will leave a door open if someone doesn't come back but I think everyone will
I would say that it's in reference to the spoiler about Nick questioning whether or not he wants to stay a CSI, coupled with the fact that George has yet to renew his contract.
I didn't know where to post my question but do you know if Jorja will be back next season ? Or at least if she has a chance to return (or leave) ?
And do you have some news about Hall, Eric, Paul or Berman to be back ? I really want all of them to be in season 13 ! ;)
Thanks in advance ! :)
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