Season 11 Spoiler Pic Thread

Haha, I noticed the cage, but barely registered the parrot in it LOL.

Love the pics, especially the ones of my guys and the ones of C/V. :D

The pics are so small, it's hard to see exactly what is going on. But the HQ ones are now posted. :)

Thanks for the link vegaslights!

Greg's smile when he and Sara find the parrot is just adorable! I hope he gets a good amount of screentime in this one :)
I have to say Jorja looks good. Nice to see Brass smiling. :)

And Cath and Vartann working together again... YEA!
Thanks fro the bigger pics, I agree with DragonFriend. Greg's smile is adorable. Looking forward to this one.
Wow, we got almost everybody in there except Robbins and Hodges

Lools like we'll have some nice Vartllows scenes :) and I'm glad to see Sara

and Greg :drool: he's got spikes, some curls :hugegrin: and he's even smiling
Lots of pics! Thanks for the link. :)

I agree with the above - Greg is adorable. :luvlove:

I'd like to see Vartann work a case that Cath isn't on sometime too.