Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

Thanks for the link, Blackflag! From what I can tell Nick is :drool::drool:

As for the name of the episode, personally, I think its funny! :lol: I mean come on, some of the best stories were the ones with the conventions.

This could be up there with 'Fur and Loathing'. :lol:
We still have that episode entitled "The Panty Sniffer". :lol: (A convention on panty sniffing! :alienblush:)

Link to CBSPressExpress pics

Have to wait for anything larger than thumbnails. doesn't have them up yet. :(


thanks for the link blackflag and with the episode being shown on April's Fools day I wouldn't put it past tptb to be having some fun with the show :lol:
Here they are from There's only 5 so it's not all of them. (Contrary to what I said in the spoiler thread I'm up to ep 16 in my photobucket so I think it might be 16 not 15. :confused:)

Courtesy of BTA. These are only the ones with Nick in them. I didn't take the ones that are just Langston. And if someone else with an account at BTA wants to go check I have problems bringing up the pics over there with some 'thing' trying to convince me I have no virus protection (even when I'm currently running it)! :scream:

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There are some new spoiler pics on CBS Pressexpress site for another new episode called "Irradiator". No surprise on who is featured in the photos...more Nick and Ray.

Personally I would love to see Catherine, Sara, or Greg or even lab rats other than those two featured in spoiler pics. I mean this is like the 3 or 4th episode in a row that features just them.
Thanks for posting the pics, Dizzney!

Personally, I love that we're finally getting see Nick more in the promo shots. He was rarely featured in them. It's about time that he is. Us Nick fans have waited a llloooooonnnnnngggggggg time for this, and I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to bask in it. :p

Frankly, though, I'm kinda shocked he has been in so many. :shifty: I'm amazed it isn't just Langston in all the promo shots. :rolleyes:
Thanks for posting the pics, Dizzney!

Personally, I love that we're finally getting see Nick more in the promo shots. He was rarely featured in them. It's about time that he is. Us Nick fans have waited a llloooooonnnnnngggggggg time for this, and I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to bask in it. :p

Frankly, though, I'm kinda shocked he has been in so many. :shifty: I'm amazed it isn't just Langston in all the promo shots. :rolleyes:

Last time I checked that site, the first three pages were filled with Nick & Ray. So congrats, Nick fans.

When will Greg get a storyline, let alone some more spoiler pics?
Last time I checked that site, the first three pages were filled with Nick & Ray. So congrats, Nick fans.

When will Greg get a storyline, let alone some more spoiler pics?

I'm actually concerned about Brass. When have we had a good storyline with him? I miss Brass and his sarcastic one liners!
One of Dr. Raymond Langston from "Neverland"- looks like he's found a piece of evidence:confused:Love the ones with him and Nick, they work so awesome together:bolian:

Last time I checked that site, the first three pages were filled with Nick & Ray. So congrats, Nick fans.

When will Greg get a storyline, let alone some more spoiler pics?
I'm actually concerned about Brass. When have we had a good storyline with him? I miss Brass and his sarcastic one liners!

Hog Heaven.
Hollywood Brass.
A Bullet Runs Through It, Part 1.
A Bullet Runs Through It, Part 2.

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head... It seems like his humor has been underutilized in a few episodes, but, overall, he has enough good scenes and oneliners elsewhere to make up for it. And at least he still has his sense of humor. The writers seem to have forgotten that Greg was ever the funny one :rolleyes:
ugh, a Nick/Ray show with a title like this is a definite skip for me. i sure hope there will be a Hannah episode this season to compensate for such monstrosity of an episode that Panty Sniffer seems to be.
I don't suppose they're gonna release any pics of the Cath/Vartann scenes from that ep. :lol: I'd really love to see those. I'm a bit impatient on that. :lol:
ugh, a Nick/Ray show with a title like this is a definite skip for me. i sure hope there will be a Hannah episode this season to compensate for such monstrosity of an episode that Panty Sniffer seems to be.

Hannah, eh? I love how an episode devoted to Hannah is far more likely than one devoted to Greg :lol: And I totally agree about another Nick/Ray show sounding like a skip. Between the two of them, it's just... boring. :rolleyes: Definitely not one that justifies a hot Thursday primetime slot.