

CSI Level One
I started a group awhile ago and, seeing as it will be closing soon, I thought we should start a topic in Misc. I didn't see another thread like it, so I'll just start this one.

This is where we can show off our work, discuss techniques we use, digital scrapbooking vs. manual scrapbooking, etc. And most of all, just have fun with photos!

To get us started, this is a page I made awhile back (and most of you in the group will have seen it). BTW, the little girl & her dad are not me; I've replaced my pictures with stock images:

Brown paper & Black flowers from jolga's in-your-eyes pack; pink paper, blue trim and pink frames from sasbok-elizabeth. Quote from (I think).
That site for the digital scrapbook freebies is

I wasn't sure if we were supposed to post that actual link on the thread.
Yay! a new thread:thumbsup: When I am not scrapping, watching CSI, working or sleeping I am on here so now I can talk about scrapping as well! I am still trying to find the time to take some piccies of my scrap pages to download. For those of you that didnt find our group, I do mainly paper scrapping as I love all my stash and dont get the satisfaction by doing digital alone. I have lots of pages in my head, its just I dont get the time to physically do them!

Cheers to all those fellow scrappers out there, looking forward to meeting you all :beer:
One of the files I just downloaded from that digital scrapbooking site is an ace file. I've never heard of that. Does anyone know what kind of program you need to open it?
Hi everybody! Glad you could make it to the scrapbooking group. Pull up a chair at the table and help yourself to some coffee or tea - don't spill it on your photos! :D

I've been hard at work lately so I have no pretty pages to show off. Though I can assure you my artsy side will start kicking me and I will have no choice but to bring up the files and start scrapbooking.

GNRF - I've never heard of an ace file. Which is sad, because I love computers. Sorry.
Okay, thanks anyway, SD. :) I guess I'll just see if the Winrar I downloaded will open it, if not then oh well. :lol:

Edit: The WinRar did open the file. Yay! :)
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