Science Jokes???

I think there have recently been some mentioned in the Jokes Thread of the Miscellaneous Forum.

from screamingpoet:
Person 1: I've lost an electron.
Person 2: Are you positive?

from pizzapie:
A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a beer?" The bartender says, "For you, no charge." And there just happens to be an electron walking around the bar who protests, "That's not fair, it should be the same for everybody." The bartender, who just happens to be a proton, replies, "Must you always be so negative?"

Unless you have some specifically about forensics, maybe post them in Misc.
from screamingpoet:
Person 1: I've lost an electron.
Person 2: Are you positive?
I think it should have been:

ATOM 1: *crying*
ATOM 2: What's the matter?
ATOM 1: I've lost an electron!
ATOM 2: Are you sure?
ATOM 1: Yes, I'm postitive!

^That was once voted as the most scientific joke from a survey. It wasn't in dialogue form, though.
My 8th grade science teacher said that the easiest way to remember how to spell "potassium" was "Kiss my potassium." And one boy didn't get it and she told him to spell it out, so he did: "P-o-t-a-s-s-OH!!" Let's just say he's not a neon light.
This is as close as I can get to forensics. I appologize a priori.

Two peanuts walked into a bar, and one was a salted.
Warrick, Gus and Ecklie are walking along. Ecklie walks into the bar, Gus and Warrick duck.

This skeleton (from a body farm) walks into a bar and says, "I'd like a beer and a mop."
Maybe pilgrim meant to say Gris. The joke says that Ecklie walked into a bar, like he actually smacked into the side of the bar itself. But Gris and Warrick managed to get out of the way of the bar.
Oops, sorry and thanks Dynamo for the explanations. I just finished watching a recording of the TV show, Psych, and had a character from that in my mind.
Or maybe I was thinking of Gus Grissom the astronaut.

Anyway from charts,
She had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.
Discharge status: Alive but without my permission.
The patient has no previous history of suicides.
The woman's body was examined and x-rated
I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.

I, pilgrim, promise not to post any more jokes
lol pilgrim, I like those.

Also like the CSI joke,good one. *thinks it's ironic 'cause Billy did give Gris his last name after the astronaut Grissom*
Mel23 said:
lol pilgrim, I like those.

Also like the CSI joke,good one. *thinks it's ironic 'cause Billy did give Gris his last name after the astronaut Grissom*

Thanks and interesting. I guess Billy succeeded in planting the subliminal suggestion. And the CSI joke was a blonde joke reworked and garnished with a salted peanuts joke.
Its slightly sciencey, here goes!

A set of jumpleads walk into a bar.
He asks the bartender "Are you allowed to serve me?"
The Bartender says "Yes but don't start anything"
