Sara's Secrets

Chapter 19:

It hadn't taken long for an Air Ambulance to arrive on the scene. Nick, who'd been craddling Sara's body protectively against him as they waited, carefully lifted her on the stretcher, laying her down against the white fabric of the sheets.

He had jumped in the helicopter behind the bed that Sara was laying on, and Sophia came in after him. It made sense that she would come: if Sara wanted or needed another female presense, she would've asked for either her or Catherine. And aside from that, if Sara were up to it, Sophia could take Sara's statement.

"Catherine?" Sophia yelled over the whir of the helicopter blades. "You coming?"

Catherine was torn. She wanted to join them, but Lindsay had just seen something that she never should've had too . . . could she leave her daughter?

"I'm fine, mom," Lindsay yelled to be heard, answering the unspoken question. "I think Sara will need you."

"You sure?" she yelled back, her hair whipping around in the wind the chopper blades were creating.

She nodded her head. "Go!"

And so, Catherine took off for the helicopter, jumped in, and slammed the door tightly behind her. Jim signaled that it was safe to lift off, the pilot began their quick flight to Desert Palm Hospital.

"You've turned into a beautiful young woman," Warrick smiled at Lindsay, shocked at how quickly she'd grown up. He had met Catherine shortly after Lindsay's second birthday and had almost become a surrogate father when Eddie appeared and then disappeared from her life. It seemed like just yesterday she was squealing in delight when he'd give her a piggy back ride, or ask her if she wanted to fly like a bird before he'd scoop her up, resting her flat on his out reached arms. "You're mother did a wonderful job."

"She had some help," she smirked at him. It was obvious, even to her, that he and her mother had a spark. She knew that they were both hesitant for a lot of reasons. The first was because of her. Now that she was older, she was able to recognize that her mother and Warrick had held off on a relationship because she was confused. Eddie was always coming and going, and she didn't seem to know which way was up or down . . . then he died . . . after that, it had taken a while for both her and her mother to come to terms with the fact that he was never coming back . . . and then the team had been split and Catherine became his boss . . . and then Nick had been buried alive and as a result, Warrick had married a woman that he'd dated for only a short while. The marriage had ended . . . and now, it finally seemed like time was on their side . . . she knew that Warrick was making her mother happy. And that made her happy. No matter what, they finally had their chance at love.

He smiled at her lovingly, affectionately musing her hair. He slung an arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him as they walked back towards the Denali that Nick had parked haphazardly across the two lane highway . . .


It was an hour later when Warrick and Greg lead the charge as they, Grissom, Brass and Lindsay briskly entered the ER of Desert Plams hospital. They had broken more than a few laws as they sped towards Las Vegas and the hospital, but they hadn't cared. After all, why did they have guns, badges and police sirens if they couldn't use them when needed?

"How is she?" Grissom's voice was tired, and his shoulders slumped. Obviously, his emotions of the evening, which he'd been holding at bay, were starting to surface.

He shrugged his shoulders, gripping a paper cup that held brown sludge that the hospital vending machines passed off as coffee. "They haven't done at SART exam yet. They did some X-Rays and cat-scans first, checking for internal injuries." His strong voice waivered. "He really did a number on her. Between beating her and the accident," he closed his eyes, trying to not let the thought of the horrible night she'd have rule his emotions once again.

Catherine and Sophia had already kicked him out of her hospital room nearly the moment that they'd arrived. She had still been unconcious, but the doctors had assured him that it was a combination of the illness, the stress and even the slight concussion that she'd received, presumably, in the accident. He had been so scared all night and though he had barely contained it during their search for her, his emotions overwhelmed him when he realized that the immediate threat was over. Now all that needed to be done was figure out what had happened, and how to help her through the trauma. He had started to cry uncontrollably, Catherine had ordered him out of the room, stating that if Sara woke up and saw him in such a state, she could panick and think some horrible, ending up in shock . . . and when he'd assured her that he would pull it together, Sophia had agreed with Catherine, saying that he needed to leave the room and pull himself back together, just in case she woke up before he was able to calm himself down.

He'd sighed, knowing that they were right. He leaned over and placed a kiss on top of her head before walking out. He'd immediately gone to the chapel to say a prayer, first thanking God that she was alive. Then, he prayed, his words quiet. "Please, God, I don't know how she'll be able to get through it again . . . if he raped her . . ." it was the first time he'd uttered the word rape since they found her. The thought had made him physically ill and he'd made a bee line for the washroom, emptying his stomach contents, which hadn't been much more than coffee, into the toilet bowl. And then, he'd wandered the halls trying to collect himself enough to rejoin Sara . . . that was when they'd walked in.

"Did you see his face?" Lindsay asked, breaking Nick out of his thoughts. "He may have hurt Sara, but she worked him over pretty good. Probably didn't know what hit him."

Nick smiled at the girl, the first real smile in what seemed like forever. "Yeah, you're right." He threw the paper cup, which he'd crushed in his his hands, into the trash, then pulled Lindsay against his chest. Just like Warrick was a surrogate father to her, he was a big brother. And Sara had become a big sister. Greg was the weird cousin and Grissom was the odd ball Uncle . . . they truly were a make-shift family. "How're you doin'?"

"I'm fine, Nick," she sighed, hugging him back tightly to reassure him. "I promise."

Sophia poked her head out the room. "Hey, guys," she smiled. "Nick, Sara's starting to wake up."

"Thanks," he smiled, releasing Lindsay from his grip. He took a deep breath as he neared the door, glancing back at the rest of the group as he walked in.

"Hey beautiful," he smiled through watery eyes.

"Hey you," she smiled weakly back at him. "How's your hand?"

He laughed lightly. Just like Sara. She'd been to hell and back in one night and here she was, laying in a hospital bed, banged up and possibly raped, yet she was asking how he was? "You're amazing," he whispered, pulling a stool up to the side of the bed. He took one of her hands in his, while his other hand stroked her chocolate brown hair.

They just got lost in one another eyes, no one saying a word. Catherine and Sophia both stood off to the side of the room, not prepared to leave unless Sara asked them too.

"How're you feeling?" he asked.

"Like I've been hit by a truck," she smirked, squeezing his hand in hers. "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked, his hand slipping from her hair and grazing her cheek gently, careful of the cuts on her face. His thumb gently swept across her skin.

"For finding me. Saving me," a single tear slipped from her eye.

He shook his head no, "don't cry," he wiped away her tears, and sniffed back his own that were threatening to fall, but it was useless. "I didn't save you, Sara. You saved yourself."

"Nick, I-"

"Shhh," he placed a finger on her lip, stopping her from protesting. "I wasn't going to stop until you were here. With me. Where you belong," he smiled, wiping at his own tears in a futile attempt to not let her see him cry. "Besides, I was just returning the favor. You wouldn't give up on me when I was buried." His finger brushed against her lower lip. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" she furrowed her brow. Maybe it was the morphine that they had her on, but she didn't think he had anything to be sorry for.

"For leaving you," he whispered. "I will always regret it. I knew that you were sick, and that you shouldn't have been alone, but I-"

This time, she stopped him, "I asked you to leave, Nick. And if you'd stayed, I don't think you'd be sitting here right now." She glanced down at her hand wrapped in his. "He was watching me, Nick. And he knew that you'd just left. He told me that he thought he was going to have to kill you. If he had . . . I never would've forgiven myself."

"Sara?" Sophia asked, "are you up for telling us what happened?"

"It's still kinda fuzzy, I only remember bits and pieces," she sighed. "I know that his name is Kevin, his last name is probably Danes. His step brother is Alexander Danes."

"The cop who botched your case in Boston?" Sophia asked.

Sara nodded her head, blinking back the tears. "Apparently he's dirty. Takes money and drugs that should be evidence. Anyway, Officer Danes owed Kevin a favor or two and he called it in, telling Alex to be the one to take my statement. He took my clothes from that day and gave them to Kevin. He said that he's kept them in his apartment all these years . . . should be able to pull some trave evidence off of them. If he was telling the truth."

"Anything else?"

"Uh, he pretty much told me that I'm the reason why all those other girls died," she could feel herself getting choked up.

"That's not true," Nick said honestly. "Guys like him . . . they would've kept doing it no matter what. You can't blame yourself."

"Nicky's right, Sara," Catherine said, taking a step forward and grabbing Sara's other hand.

She was silent for a few moments thinking. She looked up at Sophia, shaking her head. "Sorry. Everything else is sorta jumbled together after that."

"It's enough for now," Sophia smiled lightly. "This guy is going away for a long time. I promise you." She took a step forward and placed a hand on Sara's ankle, giving it a quick squeeze before excusing herself to brief Brass. The first thing they had to do was get into Kevin's apartment to find the clothes from Sara's attack all those years ago.

The three sat in silence for a few minutes before a nurse stepped into the room, holding what they all knew was the exam kit.

Sara's throat was suddenly dry and she cleared her throat nervously, playing with the thin hospital gown that she wore. When she woke up, she's already been changed, and Catherine had assured her that it had been her who removed her worn clothes and changed her. But Catherine was a woman. And so was the nurse . . . and Nick was . . . well, Nick was Nick. Great as he is, he was not a woman.

Nick sensed her hesitation and stood up, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"Thank you," she whispered, tears threatening to fall once again.

Catherine gripped her hand a little tighter.

"Ready, Sara?" the nurse asked. She knew Sara from the countless rape cases that she'd worked, collecting the kits and taking statements. It was such a shame that now Sara faced going through the same ordeal . . .

She mutely nodded her head, looking away from both her, and Catherine. She tightly closed her eyes, biting down on her lip and she felt the insertion of the metal instrument . . . .


It was a few minutes later when the nurse emerged from the room, motioning to Nick that he could go in. He watched as she walked back to the nurses station, kit in her hands. He knew that someone else would have to process the case from there on out because they were too close to Sara . . .

Even though she'd nodded her approval for him to enter the room again, he knocked lightly, announcing his presense. He peered inside, and his heart broke. Sara was on the bed, Catherine holding her in her arms, rocking her back and forth. Both women were crying.

"Sara," his voice cracked, tears immediately springing to his eyes, "I . . . I don't know . . . . God, I'm so . . . " he was at a loss for words.

Sara broke away from Catherine's embrace and a smile broke out across her face. "No, Nick, he didn't . . . " she couldn't finish her statement as a new batch of tears pool from her eyes.

A smile broke across Nick's face and with a few giant steps, he was at her bedside, scooping her into his arms, laughing happily with her. Nothing was funny about the situation, but they were so over come with joy that there was really nothing else to do. They could keep crying, but enough tears had already been shed.

There was a soft knock on the door and Warrick poked his head inside. "Are you up for visitors?"

Sara nodded her head, still smiling. No words were needed for the others to know that Sara hadn't been sexually assaulted.

Only a few moments after everyone had filed into the room did a doctor appear in the door way, looking at his chart. When he glanced up, he smiled. "Well, aren't you a popular patient."

Sara smiled. "I'm incredibly lucky."

"That you are," he concurred. "No serious injuries. Nothing that a few pain pills won't take care of, and a couple of days of rest. I'm more than willing to release you immediately."

"Oh, thank God!" Sara said. "These white walls were already starting to drive me nuts."

Everyone laughed.

"I will have to see you again before I clear you for work," he continued, "but I don't foresee that as taking too long. A week or so should do it."

"Thank you, Doc," Nick said, reaching out and shaking the mans hand.

"You're more than welcome," he gripped Nick's firm hand with his own. He turned to Sara. "I'll go get the paperwork started for your release."

"You're apartment is a crime scene," Grissom stated, getting right to the point.

"You won't be able to get in there for a few days at least. I think Sophia mentioned going back to get a few essentials for you," Warrick said, trying not to roll his eyes at the fact that Grissom seemed incapable of showing Sara any kind of emotion.

"You can stay with me," Nick said quietly, wanting to make sure that Sara knew she had a place to stay . . . "My door is always open to you. Always."

"Thank you," she smiled. "I appreciate that."

The sun was just starting to stream through the hospital window and it was then that Catherine realized it had been a long, long night. "I think we're all gonna go. Let you get some rest until you are discharged."

"OK," she smiled sleepily. Catherine leaned in, hugging Sara tightly.

She whispered, "call if you need anything."

"I will, thanks," she smiled. She turned to Lindsay and reached out for Lindsay's hand, to which the young woman immediately complied. "I'm so glad that you're OK," Sara's voice wavered as Lindsay leaned down and hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad you're OK, too," she whispered back, a few tears of her own falling.

Greg and Warrick both stepped forward and gave her light hugs, careful of her injuries and not wanting to over step any boundaries that may have gone up with the reappearance of the man who attacked her all those years ago.

Grissom stood back, not really knowing what to do. He wasn't good with emotions. At all. The room stood in awkward silence, waiting for him to say something. He finally let out a little breath, smiling slightly. "We were really worried about you, Sara."

She smiled back at him. "Thanks, Gris."

Slowly, they all filed out of the room, waving good bye.

"So, beautiful," Nick smiled, turning his attention back to Sara. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm OK," she answered.

"Sara," he drawled, not believing her answer.

"Really, Nick," she said again. "I'm OK. It's going to take some time to put this all behind me, but I know I can. With your help."

He sighed, smiling. "I'll always be here for you, Honey."

She smiled at the pet name and couldn't help but draw him a little closer to her, pressing her lips softly against his.

"Thank you," she whispered, after releasing his lips.

Nick was stunned. He shouldn't have been, it wasn't like they hadn't kissed before . . . but he was shocked that she initiated something so quickly . . . but he wasn't protesting either. A grin over took his features as he eased her back down against the pillow.

"We've got all the time in the world, Sara," he said softly. "Just lay back and close your eyes, OK? I'm going to see what's the hold up with those papers."

"Hurry back," she sighed contendedly, closing her eyes as he neared the door.

"OK," he smiled. "And then we'll go home."

"That sounds good," she mumbled sleepily.

Nick smiled. He was taking her home. And hopefully that's where she'd want to stay.

TBC . . .
Chapter 20:


Nick unlocked his apartment and guided Sara through the front door.

"You OK?" he asked noticing that she winced a little bit in pain.

"Yeah," she brought her hand up to her temple, rubbing softly as the pain settled. "It's just the sun . . . it's kinda bright."

"Sorry," he apologized, quickly leaving her side and stridding across the room, closing the windows shades.

"Don't be," she smiled walking towards the kitchen in the darkness.

Nick smiled at how well she knew her way around his home. Of course, she should . . . not only had she spent a lot of time there, she'd helped him look for apartments after the Nigel Crane fiasco. What they'd found was astounding. The Mandalay Bay had recently taken a few floors of the hotels room and turned them into luxury apartments and penthouses. Because it was a hotel and casino, there was security always present, as well as video servelliance. And it didn't hurt that he'd have access to the pools, gym and other ammenities that hotel guests had. The price on the spacious two bedrooms, two bath apartment, with an office, and view of the Strip and mountains, was unbeatable and Nick had jumped at the chance, then enlisted Sara's help with the finishing touches. Since they had found the apartment prior to it's completion, he was able to create the apartment of his dreams, with the right style kitchen, paint colors, floor, window trim -- everything. Of course, it had meant that he stayed at Sara's a few additional weeks while the finishing touches had been completed.

"You hungry?" he asked, flipping on a lamp that sat on a side table in the living room. The apartment was then bathed in a gentle glow.

"Not really," she said quietly. She had a jello cup at the hospital and the pain medication that had been prescribed left her with no appetite. "Just tired."

"I'll grab you something to wear," he smiled softly, disappearing down the hall and into his bedroom. He grabbed his University t-shirt and a pair of track pants then placed them on the counter in the master bathroom before pulling out a couple of towels from under the sink. He wandered back into the living area where he noticed that Sara had taken a seat. "The clothes are in the master bathroom along with some towels. I thought you might want to grab a shower."

"Thanks Nicky," she cuddled into him as he took a seat beside her. She smiled against his chest as she felt his arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him, protectively.

He kissed the top of her head before leaning his cheek against her hair. "Anything for you."

She shuffled a little in her seat next to him before pulling herself up. "I won't be long."

"Take as much time as you need," he said quietly, knowing what it was like to feel dirty -- like whatever happened was going to seep into your skin and stay embedded there. "And I want you to sleep in my room, too."

She shook her head no. "Nick-"

"My bed is far more comfortable, Sara, and you need rest," he said, cutting her off. "I'll be in the guest room if you need anything, OK?"

Again, she shook her head no. A few tears pooled in her eyes and he immediately stood up and took a few strides toward her. "What's wrong?"

She sniffed, embarassed. Her emotions were all over the place and now, being with Nick, in his apartment, while he was being so caring -- it was too much.

"Sara, baby," he soothed, "you can tell me anything." He pulled her into his chest, once again placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

"I don't want to be alone," she whimpered, burrying herself into his chest and holding him tightly.

"You're not," he assured her. "I'm going to be in the other room, and -"

"Stay with me?" she asked suddenly, leaning back in his embrace to look him in the eye.

He looked at her, but said nothing as her words sunk in. "Sara . . . "

"Nick, will you hold me? While I sleep? I just . . . I need to feel safe. You make me feel safe," she admitted. She felt so vulnerable, but it was the truth. And if she could be open with anyone, it's was Nick.

He smiled, and nodded his head slightly. "Lets go."


Nick lay under the covers, the bed beside him empty. It had been thirty minutes since Sara had disappeared into his bathroom and the water had been running for about as long . . . he knew that she was trying to get Kevin off of her. The bonus of living at a luxury hotel was the never ending supply of hot water from the buildings massive hot water heater. When he heard the water stop, he listened closely and could hear a few hiccups from behind the closed door. Two minutes later, Sara walked out wearing his clothes that made her small frame appear even smaller. He smiled a little at her, then patted the bed next to him when she seemed to hesitate.

She crawled onto the bed, the pillow top soft under neath her. It felt like she was on a cloud.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" he asked quietly.

She nodded her head and although the room was dark, he could tell she had been crying. She tentatively placed her cheek on his chest, the back of her head craddled by the back of his arm. She sniffed lightly and felt Nick's arm tighten around her as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"You're safe now," he whispered into her hair.

She sniffed again and moved to wipe the tears that were flowing down her cheeks, once again, like a river. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he said assertively, but calmly. "Just let it out."

It was then that the sobs that she'd been holding back came out. Nick gently rocked Sara in his arms and soothed her as best he could until she finally succumbed to an exhausted, and much needed, sleep. He watched her for a while, gently stroking the hair that framed her face. "I promise," he whispered to her sleeping form, "I will never let anyone hurt you again." Finally, he allowed himself to close his tired eyes and drifted into a slumber, content to know that the woman he loved was in his arms.


Nick woke up hours later to find the bed empty. "Sara?" No answer. "Sweetie?" He knocked on the closed bathroom door, but she didn't answer. His heart stopped beating and then when it started again, it thumped wildly against his chest. Where had she gone?

He stepped out of his bedroom and noticed that fading sunlight was once again filtering into the apartment. Sara had opened the blinds and he could see her sitting out on the decent sized patio. He gently opened the door and stepped outside into the cool evening air.

"Now I know how you felt," he smiled slightly at her, grabbing her attention.

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly at him, but it brightened considerably as he sat down on the padded bench that she had insisted would be perfect for his outdoor space. "Now I know how you felt, too. Well, sort of."

After he'd been buried, Sara had stayed with him a number of times just to make sure that he was comforted when he was upset. On occasion, she woke up and found that he wasn't anywhere inside the apartment and would immediately be terrified that something had happened and she hadn't realized it. But, all of those times, she always found him sitting on his deck, staring out at the Strip and the mountains.

"Really is calming, huh?" she asked rhetorically. The sun was just setting and the neon lights of the Strip were coming alive.

He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her against him.

"All I could think about was you," she admitted softly. She tilted her head up to look at Nick. She couldn't resist reaching up to gently stroke his face with the back of her fingers when he looked down at her with those chocolate eyes that she could drown in. "Everything was happening so fast, but it all seemed to be in slow motion, you know?"

He nodded his head. He knew what if felt like to be powerless to stop what was happening - that it seemed to be happening at warp speed . . . but yet, so slow that it was painful . . . so slow, that while you were processing what was happening to you, you had seemingly all the time in the world to think about your life . . . the things you'd done wrong, or right . . . the things you'd do differently . . .

"I thought about when you were in that box," she looked down, not sure if he wanted to hear this, but knowing that she needed him to know, "we were all so scared. And I swore up and down that when we got to you, not if -- because there was no way we weren't going to get to you in time, I was going to be honest with you . . . but I wasn't." The tears fell down her face furiously.

He used the pads of his thumb to wipe the tears away, knowing what she was trying to say. "I promised myself the same thing, too," he said, his own eyes tearing up. "But I didn't keep my promise to be honest with you either. I don't think I was in the right place," he shook his head.

In a lot of ways -- he wasn't. He was so screwed up. He'd known for a long time that he had feelings for Sara, but he didn't really know how deep those feelings went . . . he knew he felt a deep rooted jealousy when she looked at Grissom in a certain way, or when she was dating Hank . . . but it was when he was in that box that he realized he loved her. But he was so certain that he was going to die -- so certain that he'd almost pulled the trigger. And as much as his heart ached to tell her the truth, he couldn't take the risk. The risk that she'd mirror his feelings because he was certain that he would screw it up. Or that perhaps, she'd tell him what he wanted to hear out of fear of pushing him over the edge . . . so he kept quiet and as he got back to normal, they'd fallen back into their easy routine of flirting . . . and it just became too big a risk yet again . . . their friendship meant the world to him and even though he felt he was strong enough to move past the incident, if he lost Sara because he was honest, he knew he couldn't take it . . .

"Nick, I have to tell you," she said quietly, her lip quivering, "no matter what happens, you have to know that my life has been so much better because of you. I don't know what I would've done if we'd lost you. And I wish I hadn't waited for something like this to happen to tell you how I really feel . . . I wish that I hadn't wasted so much time . . . " she sniffed and looked into his eyes, "but you have to know that I love you." She held her breath and she watched as Nick processed what she'd just said. And although he was silent, the wheels in his head apparently still processing her words, she felt like a big weight had been lifted. "I really love you."

"Oh, Sar," he finally managed to say, "I love you too."

"You do?" she asked quietly, though she had heard him perfectly fine. A giggle escaped her lips as his hand found it's way to the back of her neck, playing with the hair at the base of her head.

"I really do," he smiled, matching hers. "I love you, Sara."

He leaned down and gently pulled her head towards him, their lips meeting together in a sweet, tender kiss. They slowly, and without hesitation, moved their lips in unison. Nick's lips part slightly and his tongue gently touched at Sara's bottom lip, requesting entrance. She eagerly complied by parting her own lips and moving her tongue to meet his. When they first touched, she moaned softly as her body heated up from his touch.

She pulled herself from her position onto his lap, straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as she could. His arms instinctively went around her waist, pulling her close to him as well, and protected her from possibly loosing her balance and falling backwards.

Finally, the lack of oxygen was too much and they broke apart, gulping in the air.

"Wow," she smiled. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that."

Nick smiled. "Me either," he agreed. "Just as long as we never get tired of it, I won't mind."

"That's never going to happen, Cowboy," she smiled, leaning down and kissing him again.

"I love you," he murmured against her lips, continuing to kiss her.

"Love you too," she smiled.

Suddenly, the phone rang and they slowly broke apart groaning at the interruption.

"I suppose we have years to do that," Nick smiled, leaning his forehead against hers.

"The rest of our lives," she agreed.

They didn't speak another word as they listened to the answering machine pick up and Brass's voice broke the quiet in the apartment.

"Hey guys, it's Jim. I hope you're doing OK. I thought I would call and tell you that Kevin Danes has been formally arrested and the judge will not grant bail." Nick squeezed Sara's hip in support. "We, uh," he fumbled for the right words, "found your clothes from Boston, Sara. They are going to go a long way in putting this guy away. He copped to killing Vanessa White, too, so it's only a matter of time before he admits to the others. He's going away for a long, long time. I spoke to Sophia a little while ago and she said that your apartment should be released as a crime scene as early as tomorrow." They could hear Brass clear his throat, and Sara smiled a little, tears forming in her eyes as she realized that Jim was trying not to cry. "I'm so relieved that you're alright Sara. Next time I see you, be warned that I'm giving you the biggest hug of your life," he laughed a little as his voice wavered. "Take good care of her, Nicky." Click.

"I plan on it," Nick smiled, answering Brass's demand as if he were with them. He placed a kiss on the tip of Sara's nose before pulling her into a tight embrace.

"So, tomorrow," Sara stated, swallowing against the lump in her throat.

"Hey," he said softly, making her look at him, "you don't have to do anything you don't want too, OK? You can stay here . . . wait, that came out wrong . . . I meant, you can live here." He smiled at her and she smiled softly in return. "I don't want to pressure you or anything, but I know what it's like to have your home, somewhere that is supposed to be safe, turned into a crime scene. So, if you don't want to go back, I'll understand. We all will. And if you want to find a new place to live, that's fine too . . . but I love you, and I want you to know . . . my home is your home. I'll understand if you think it's too soon, but I can't imagine you not falling asleep in my arms, and --"

He was cut off when Sara's lips came crashing down on his.

A moment later, when they needed air again, he opened and closed his mouth like a fish before finding the right words, "not that I minded, but what was that for?"

"You were rambling," she smiled. "I love you, Nick. And you're right, I don't want to go back to my apartment . . ."

"So . . . .?" he asked her, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"I'd love to live here with you," she smiled at him.

"Yeah?" he asked, just to be sure . . . he was already so excited that he felt like jumping out of his skin.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I love you too much to waste another day apart from you."

He stood up with her in his arms before gently lowering her feet to the patio. "I love you too."

They both knew that some people might think it was too early in their relationship to make such a bold move as to live together, but they'd known each other for seven and a half years. They knew each other like they knew themselves. And they knew that they were in it for the long haul. There was no reason to wait.

Nick held Sara tightly against his chest as the now dark sky looked down upon them, two new lovers holding on for the ride of their lives, wondering what the future would bring them, but both knowing that it was as bright as the neon lights that shone back at them from The Strip.

aww I didnt want it to ever end :(, that was brillant, great writing, lots of tension, good story, tons of snickers and a very happy ending....PM me when you write more, I dont want to miss any of your stories! :lol:

Well done. :D
Aww, that was the cutest, I had been commenting on the NickSara fansite but can't logon at the moment.

Anyway, love the ending :)
*claps* OMGOODNESS!! you are so amazing at writing!! i never wanted it to end! you better make another SNickery story... I LOVED THIS!! they are so cute together! *starts to clap again* I LOVE IT!