Sara's Secret Lover - Part 8

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NHRFan, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. NHRFan

    NHRFan Coroner

    Aug 4, 2005
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    I'm sorry I took so long with this.

    Rating: PG-13

    Pairing: Nick/Sara, Grissom/Catherine, Greg/Wendy and Warrick/Mia.

    Category: Drama/Angst (Right now, I'm doing this one for now, 'till I put the next chapter, will be Romance.)

    Summary: Nick escaped from the hospital and rescue Sara from Hank. Nick collapses at the white chapel. Grissom heard from the hospital that Nick escapes from the hospital and learn that Nick know where Sara at because they shares a special bond with each other. Cop arrest Hank.

    Part: 8

    Nick still in the hospital and can't figure it out who would want to beat him up for, so he got a very bad feeling, something happened to Sara and can't sit here do nothing so he pull his iv out of his arm, got up from the bed, he winced because his ribs are hurting, got his clothes on. He walked towards the door, poked his head out and looks around to see the doctors and nurses are coming, he didn't see anbody, so he walked out the room and head towards the elevator.

    He stepped in the elevator and walked ou the hospital to wait for the cab to come and get him because he called the cab before he left the hospital room. A few minutes later, he saw the cab pull up front of the hospital and Nick got in.

    The cab asks him, "Where do you want to go, sir?"

    "To the wedding chapel," Nick said.

    "Which one? We got a lot of 'em," The cab answered.

    "Just take me to the white wedding chapel," Nick said, in breathless.

    "Okay." They left the hospital.

    Nick thougth to himself, "I'm coming, my sunshine."

    Back to the lab.

    Grissom got a phone call from the doctor, he answered the phone and he yelled, "He did what!"

    Warrick and Catherine looks up at Grissom, confused and can't figure why Grissom yelled at the phone for. Grissom hung up the phone.

    "What's wrong, Grissom?" Catherine asked, confusion. "And why are you yelling at the phone for?"

    "Nick just escaped from the hospital," Grissom explained. "And I'm going to find him and bring him back to the hospital."

    "Wait, wait, wait, Grissom." Warrick grabbed Grissom's arm. "Maybe Nick know where Sara is.

    "That's right, I forgot about Sara and Nick was real closes and they shared a special bond between them." Grissom can't believe himself that he forgot about the special people like Nick and Sara. "But I got a feeling that Nick will go after the person who did this to them."

    "I know. I hope he know what he is doing," Catherine answered.

    "Oh, I'm sure he does," Grissom said. "As soon as he find Sara, I will protected Nick and Sara."

    "We all will, Grissom," Warrick replies. "And forget about Greg."

    "Don't worry, I won't forget about Greg." Grissom rolled his eyes at them.

    Meanwhile back at the Wedding white Chapel.

    Sara was forces to put on her wedding dress she hates and she hopes someone can save her from this madness. Hank is so excited to get marries to Sara and his baby and nobody will stop him from marring her.

    Outside the wedding chapel, Nick finally arrives to the wedding chapel and he will stop that person whoever did this to him.

    Nick asks the cab, "I want you to call the cop as soon as I get in the wedding chapel and asks for Brass."

    "Okay. Be careful."

    Nick got out the cab and went inside the wedding chapel. Cab man called the cop as soon as possible. Nick finally figure it out who has hurt him, it was Hank the shanked and saw Sara struggled to get out of Hank's arm.

    The priest said to them, "Will anybody object to the married? I will speak now."

    "I object!" Nick shouted.

    Sara and Hank saw Nick standing right front of them. Hank is getting angry for interrupted on his wedding days. Sara is so happy to see her cowboy and she is so worries about him because his face is pales.

    Hank charges at Nick and they still fighting 'till Hank knocked him down because of his ribs was hurting him, Hank is getting ready to put his fists to Nick's face, Sara knocked him out with a vase and she went to Nick, got down on her knee and put her hands on his face.

    Nick looks at her and said to her, "Are you okay?"

    "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to you, you're my hero," Sara answered.

    Nick looks at Sara's stomach and find out she's pregnant and asked her, "Are you pregnant? Who's the father of your baby?"

    "Yes, I'm pregnant. You're the father of my babies," Sara explained.

    "Oh. Babies? Are you telling me that you're carries twins?" Nick was in shocked.


    Nick fainted in Sara's arm. Sara looks up and saw Brass and the police coming towards their way.

    Brass asked Sara, "Are you okay? Who the culprit?"

    "I'm fine. Hank the shanked."

    "Okay. I will called ambulance."


    A ambulance bring Nick and Sara to the hospital. They discharge Sara because she was fine then she went to Nick's room because the doctor haven't discharge him yet. She stay with him 'till Grissom and the team just walked in the room and saw Nick on the bed and Sara sleeping on the chair beside the bed and her hand holding Nick's hand for safety.

    Warrick pull Grissom and Catherine a side and said to them, "Do you see how big Sara is?"

    "Yes, I know. She's pregnant," Catherine said, in shocked.

    "Who's the father?" Warrick asked.

    "I think I know who," Grissom said.

    "Who?" Warrick and Catherine said, in union.

    "Our boy, Nicky,' Grissom explained.

    "How do you know Nicky is the father?" Catherine asked, in confusion.

    "How I know? Come on, people, we're scientist." Grissom can't believe they can't figure it out. "How much you want to bet that Nick is the father of Sara's baby?"

    "I bet $20 that Nick is not the father of her baby," Warrick said.

    "I second that," Catherine answered.

    "Okay. It's a bet?" Grissom asked.

    "Yes, it's a bet." They shooked hands. They will wait 'till Sara wake up to tell them who the father of her baby.


    Next Part 9- Grissom won. Brass found Greg in the warehouse after Sara told him. Nick is still asleep.
  2. CSI_Trainee

    CSI_Trainee CSI Level One

    Oct 20, 2005
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    what a great update glad you finally got to a update
  3. cocoa_girl18

    cocoa_girl18 Pathologist

    Jan 23, 2006
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    wow .... grissom is betting that would the first...
    update soon...

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