Sara's Secret Lover-Part 10 (Snickers.)


One more chapter.

Pairing: Nick/Sara, Grissom/Catherine, Warrick/Mia, Greg/Wendy.

Rating: PG-13

Category: Romance

Summary: Sara is going in labor and she told the nurse, she will stay with Nicky and she won't take no for answered. Nick has never heard her talk to the nurse like that before.

Part: 10

Catherine went to get a nurse for Sara, because she goes in labor. Few minutes later, a nurse came in the room and tried to help Sara to get in other room.

"Let me help you to get you in other room," nurse Susan said.

"Nooo! I want to stay with Nick!" Sara answered back in snap.

"All right. You can stay with your husband," Susan said.

Sara don't have time to correct Susan that Nick isn't her husband. She wish he was, because he was good friend to her and he could make a great husband and father.

Susan and the doctor came in the room with a bed, put the bed next to Nick then help her on the bed. She already in pain and told the doctor.

"I need a pain medicine to numb the pain," Sara asked, in breathy.

"Don't worry, Ms. Sidle, doctor on the way with the pain medicine," Susan said.

A doctor came in the room with the needle to help Sara numb the pain. Catherine hold her 'till the doctor finish the hsot on her back. Sara laid back down on the bed, feel so happy to have the medicine.

Susan told the doctor, "Sara is ready to go in labor because she is 10 dilated."

"Okay, push, Ms. Sidle," Doctor said.

Sara push 'till the baby came out."

"It's a boy!" Susan said, in excited.

Susan took the baby boy to get him clean up, wrap him up with a blanket. and handed baby boy to Sara. Sara hold the baby in her arm.

"Hi, Sweetie, this is your mommy," Sara said.

Sara is going in labor again, Susan grabbed the baby and put him on the table. Sara push 'till the second baby came out again.

"It's a girl!" Doctor sai.

Susan did the same thing with the baby as she did first baby, she handed a baby girl to Sara, Sara hold the baby in her arm.

"So, you the one that hide from me," Sara said.

Susan took the baby from Sara to get weight for both babies.

Sara and Nick are so happy to see the babies are healthy and they also gald they have two babies are a girl and a boy.

A girl and a boy will be both parents' little angels. They got to name their children, but they didn't have time to find the name for their babies, but they will soon as Nick get better.


Notes: I need to know what to name Sara's and Nick's babies. I let you decided to name 'em and they will be show on my next chapter. I will credit you guys.
Wow, that a good name for the twins. I will credit you guys soon.

cocoagirl18- It will be my next sequel story, I have to come up with it.
All right, All right, guys. You win. I will put them to get married. I alway believe get married first before kids. So the kids know they have two parents together.

It will be long story, I don't know when it been finish. I know it going to be sequel after this. It going to be about Nick's past and maybe Sara's past.

What do you guys think? I just want to see how strong their loves to beat their past.