Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I don't have too much to say, so I hope 1C can forgive me for just posting to wish Yummy a very very happy birthday! Hope you have an awesome day :D

Oh, and welcome cathy!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Happy birthday Yummy!!!!!! :D *gives present*
When Sara and Greg get together you'll squee. Teeheehee

Wow, I just realized my birthday is a week from today. :D

Greg and Sara are the perfect match. And because Eric and Jorja are friends out of work, like it was said, they have amazing chemistry on and off screen. It just fits so perfectly! Keep using your voodoo Silhouette!

szmandatogoholic you had a seizure? :eek:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

hollie said:
Happy birthday Yummy!!!!!! :D *gives present*
When Sara and Greg get together you'll squee. Teeheehee

:cool: That's probably true. Anyways, thanks for the birthday wishes everybody. :D

I hope Season 7 has alot of Sandle. I think they'll be closer than ever this season than previous ones. Greg and Sara need each other, even if they don't realize it yet.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

OMG!! Ok, I started to post saying Happy Birthday to YaM, but then I really had to go to this volenteer thing so I had to cancel my post and now im late :( So... Happy Belated Birthday YaM! :D

I interupted Jorja and Eric when they were... In the middle of something ( :devil:) to take this picture for you:


:lol: :p Hope you like it ;)

I made an icon from the last episode! I'm going to use it soon! :D It's too cute of a scene to be ignored! Actually, all their scenes are too cute to be ignored! :D

:eek: YaM just admitted he would squee if they got together!! omg! Now Sandle really needs to get together! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

hollie said:
szmandatogoholic you had a seizure? :eek:

Yeah, I had one. I have them every once in awhile. And the second time I had one, in 2005, they put me on seizure medication. Since then I've been on four and I'm currently on the third and fourth of the seizure medication. (The first one made me gain a lot of weight and then they put me on the second one at the same time to try and wean me off of the first one. When they did that, I broke out into a rash. An ex-friend thought it was contagious and I teased him by rubbing my arms on his body.) I'm doing great with the current two, I haven't had a seizure until this past Saturday... I had went 9 months without one. And the last time I had seizures (back in January/February) it went on once a week for five weeks. I missed school and barely passed the eighth grade. They had to up my dosage of meds and I felt like a walking IV. But the bad thing is, I don't have any sort of epilepsy. These are non-epileptic seizures.

Hmmm... I just developed a plot for a GREAT Sandle story!! Away plot-penguins!! I have school for two more weeks!! Can't you wait for two more weeks? :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:lol: ^ Even Jorja and Eric have chemistry off-screen.

All the pics made my day less crappy and I'm happy with that.

Hoo-rah! More SANDLE on the future eps...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Lovely picture, sandlesidle[/i].
They always seem to have good moments in the odd numbered seasons- 1,3,5 & 7.
:lol: Hmmm, strange coincidence. Is CBS up to something? Good for them and I'm glad we're on an odd number. Whoohoo--

I love the chemistry between them. The little gazes and the smiles, it's as if they can hardly keep their hands off each other!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

The interview with Eric and Jorja definately shows a lot of chemistry. She once said in an interview that she and Eric hang out a lot-YAY! :D. When they play Greg and Sara, the chemistry they have radiates off them into the scene and makes it even more special...did that make any sense? :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Omg Lee you had a seizure? :eek: I don't know much about seizures, but I can't imagine having once every week. That must be horrible! :( Do they know what causes it? Hope all the Sandle lovin makes you feel better though :) *hugs and gives cookies*

Ood numbered season... Strange as it seems, but I'm getting suspricious that CBS has a pattern :lol: Hmm could this mean Sara and Greg would get together on season 9? ;)
Hmm... *looks into magic ball* yep, that looks like it :D (Let's hope CSI gets to season 9 though :rolleyes:) GO ODD NUMBERED SEASON!!! :D

Awwww sandersidle that's one of my fave pic! Even Jorja can't stand Eric's hotness :devil: I do think they have great chemistry on and off screen :D I mean, c'mon, don't they look so adorable together?


(pardon the watermark) :) :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I must say, Silhouette that your picture is beautiful, adorable, just plain sweet! :D

Yes, ITA with everyone. The odd seasons are looking like Sandle seasons. Let's hope it continue's. Keep working your voodoo magic, Silhouette. You don't let us down, do ya? :D

I also want to say that I hope you are alright, szmandatogoholic . I am not exactly an expert on seizures but I can safely say that we all hope you are feeling better! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

They look so adorable linking arms like that !
Uhh slight writers block on my fanfic. Feed me ideas D:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wow...I disappear for a couple of days and I end having to read three new pages worth of posts.

Silhouette said:I walked pass the breakroom a few days ago, and I caught Sara and Greg about to go to your bday party... TOGETHER! :D

Silhouette, You. So. Rock. And you too, sandersidle. *hugs*

Seeing that I'm horrible at making individual recognitions in posts, I'm just gonna do a general welcome wish to all the newcomers. ;) *throws out the confetti*

Now, I just positively "squee-d" (is that even a word) when I saw Sara's over-protectiveness on Greg came bounding out; when she orders Grissom to "be nice" to Greg, and especially after he got snippy at Greg.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

You guys have all prolly talked about this before but...
I soo can't wait for Grissom's mini vacation. I mean Grissom is a great character and everything but I mean if he leaves I bet it'll affect Sara's relationship with him and she'll get upset and Greg will be there for her. Which by the way I just broke my writers block *runs off*
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