Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

Yeah, I definitely made sure I was unbiased on my voting, and went for visuals only. :3 There are some AMAZING entries! And it's incredible how many Sandle submissions there are! Great job, guys! :D

Tests... aha... *runs away*
I was immensly pleased with all the sandle entries: we're making our voices heard girls! :D But I'm not sure if I should vote because I entered the challenge. Then again, Skell voted and she entered, right? Hmmm...

Since we haven't done this in a while, here's the SPOTM to celebrate all the sandley pride!

Sandle Pic of the Moment
(from Who Shot Sherlock)


Everyone is happy; look at them all clap for Greg and Sara! :lol:
Hestia , my interpretation of the comment which opened the voting was that they want the entrants especially to vote. I'm not sure why that is but yeah. I voted, and I entered as well. So I think it should be ok.

I love that ending scene of Who Shot Sherlock... it's just so sweet how Sara is the first one he goes to hug... and all the big smiles on their faces. :D It makes me happy.

Shazza and Skell , I was trying to be unbiased in my voting as well. I even ended up voting to a few of ships that I don't even like particularly. Which kinda surprised me...

Just had my exam. Joy of joys. But good luck to everyone else who has one!
I voted too I mean it makes it fair on all contestants because everyones entering anonymously so that may be the main reason we were encouraged to voted.

My favourite Sandle Moment

Greg: You smell like death
Sara:I've heard.
Greg: You know, a real man wouldn't mind.


It was quiet a light moment for "Bully For You".........*happy sigh*

I just had an exam too........I think I failed but enough about that........Thanks Salean and I think I've said this before but good luck to you too!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
OMG! Lots and lots of new posts! :) Hooray Sandle! And we're on page 4 already!? *throws edible confetti* Sandle would be so proud! *wipes tear* :) And welcome newbies! *shares positivity cookies and Ble Hawaiian* To those who doesn't know me yet, I'm Pau. :) Hello!

Sorry I haven't been here for a really really long time, I have just been really busy with school so I don't really have the time to visit here and also CSI reruns are being shown here really late at night. No, ummm, more like after midnight already! So, I can't watch it anymore. Which means, less Sandle for me this month. :(

But still this thread always cheers me up! :) Skell, you are so awesome! You are really keeping this thread on fire! :D You truly are our lucky charm, our Lucky Skelly. :)

Gosh, I miss my buddies *hugs Naz, Eva, hestia and everybody else* Don't worry guys, if it's vacation time here, no more school, I'll be active again. Tehee! :) Keep the Sandle spirit alive for me! :D
Hello Pau , it's nice to meet you :) And that must be really annoying, with the reruns only being shown really late at night/early morning.

That's so odd Shazza , I was just watching 'Bully for you' the other day. I was watching it with my family, and they were laughing so much at the 'you smell like death' comment (they have a weird sense of humour) that they didn't hear the 'a real man wouldn't mind' bit. I had to explain it to them. :rolleyes:

Heh heh. *munches on more positivity cookies* I think I'm well on my way to becoming addicted to these... :p
Hi Pau *Waves*

I'm Sophia also know as Shazza. :)
Call me which ever name you prefer.

Awwwww Pau *rubs shoulder with ya*.....hopefully you'll get your dose of Sandle for the internet lol.

I'm thinking of making a video, I have a song and everything but i don't know when I have it up so I'll let you know. :D :D :D

btw, if you've got a song request for a Sandle video I'll be happy to making it!!!!!!!!!!! :D just let me know yeah :)

Salean - I found the "You smell like death" funny cause he said it in such a gothic voice and it suited him because of his hair - with it being black an all. But then when your thinking *Evil Greg* he says "you know, a real man wouldn't mind and its like Awwwwwww thats the Greg we all know lol.
Salean said:
That's so odd Shazza , I was just watching 'Bully for you' the other day. I was watching it with my family, and they were laughing so much at the 'you smell like death' comment (they have a weird sense of humour) that they didn't hear the 'a real man wouldn't mind' bit. I had to explain it to them.

Awwwwwww *rubs shoulders with ya* don't worry about it...families can be weird and odd at times(believe me I know I have in total 6 brothers and sisters to deal with)...but my family's pretty cool about CSI I mean me and my brother watch it together every Tuesday and Saturday night........I let my sister (who is a bit to young to watch it) watch some of the more aproperiate Dad doesn't really watch it he say it to gruesome with the post mortem and all.....though I caugt him watching "Pilot".........and he was really getting into it so there is still hope for never know with my dad.......I might ask him if he wants to watch with us on Saturday..........okay I'll stop now lol.
Salean said:
Hestia , my interpretation of the comment which opened the voting was that they want the entrants especially to vote. I'm not sure why that is but yeah. I voted, and I entered as well. So I think it should be ok.

I love that ending scene of Who Shot Sherlock... it's just so sweet how Sara is the first one he goes to hug... and all the big smiles on their faces. :D It makes me happy.
Alright, I went to vote and it was tough but I did it. I really liked alot of the banners, some of the ones in intermediate should definitely consider entering advanced! :)

That's why I chose the Sherlock pic; all the happiness and sweetness, not to mention the second sandle hug! :D

luvincsi said:
Gosh, I miss my buddies *hugs Naz, Eva, hestia and everybody else* Don't worry guys, if it's vacation time here, no more school, I'll be active again. Tehee! :) Keep the Sandle spirit alive for me! :D
Hi Pau! It's always nice to see one the older regulars! *hugs back* I hope you come visit more often when you have vacation! Did you vote in the banner contest?

Bully for You is awesome for the "A real man wouldn't mind" scene. (That's the line I remember now, but "You smell like death" is great and I understand why Salean's family would find it so funny. I did too back when I was not exactly a sandle shipper.)

Shazza, you've got 6 brothers and sisters? :eek: Wow! But good for you on getting them to watch CSI with you (My brother dismissed CSI at first but now he's a fan, though he wouldn't admit, especially because he'd be admitting I was right about him liking it. He's not a shipper but he understands my shipper tendencies. :p)

This goes without saying, but good luck to all of you who have exams this week! They're tough, I know, but you all can get through it!
OMG!!! [/b]Pau[/b]!!! *tackles her, and squash spoiled cake at her* i miss you so much!!!! :D glad that you drop by here :D

Greg: Know what Sara..
Sara: What?
Greg: American Idol's showing tonight...
Sara: Really? :eek: you're gonna watch it?
Greg: Hell yeah...say,you wanna come to my place and watch it together...ya know, two person watching American Idol will be great!
Sara: we can laugh together?
Greg: Yeah..
Sara: That'll be commin ;) *Leave the locker room*
Greg: Yes!!! I think i should prepare the bed, in case she's too tired to go home :devil: :devil:
Heh heh heh. Naz , that dialogue made me giggle like a little kid. And my sister gave me a strange look. It reminded me of Greg's labrat days... particularly that scene at the end of season 4 where he asks Grissom to make a decision on whether he is in the lab, or out in the field. And then when Grissom walks off he does that little 'yes!' thing.

Shazza, you've got 6 brothers and sisters? Wow!

I second that! :eek: Whoa! I have two sisters and I swear I do not think I could cope with more.
My Dad likes to pretend that he hates CSI, and complains everytime I watch it... but he likes it really. If only because it's one more thing in which to point out mistakes/things that wouldn't happen/random pieces of trivia. :rolleyes:
Hiya guys chill.....don't be so suprised.....I mean we're 3 boys 4 girls so it not too bad........because there's more girls than guys (believe me one more makes a difference) and besides I hardly notice their even there lol(we have a big house and everyones usual doing their own thing so its cool).

Okay the vid i promised I'm gonna start making it today and hopefully get it done by the end of the week.(Sorry got lots of school work to do). :D :D

Naz - loved that dialogue.......I'm watching Idol tonight hopefully it won't be too boring hopefully.
Hi everyone! *waves* I've been MIA for some days again, very sorry for that. School's been pretty crazy, but it's slowing down a little bit now and because of that I'm getting more Sandly. :D Nice to see the Sandlish posts have continued! This thread is very alive again.

I have started working with Movie Maker last week and I'm currenly working on a Sandle video to "Only Fooling Myself" by Kate Voegele. It's going to be a video about Greg realizing that Sara is always so unreachable to him, but that yet he has hope that she'll see him someday. And that's exactly what we stand for in this thread, isn't it? :D

Can't wait for your video either, Shazza. And I haven't has time to check out your fic yet, will do that ASAP.
Welcome back Eva!!!!

*Hugs you till you can't breathe*

Oh! Yeah I'll get that vid done ASAP.

Just wanted to ask you guys which song (for Sandle) do you prefer???? "You and Me" by Lifehouse or Stickwitu by The Pussycat Dolls............I like both so I wanted to ask you guys to help me decided. :D :D :D

Oh and Eva - get back to me on the fanfic whenever you can's not finished but I hope you like it :D :D.

*goes back to vid making*
Well, I don't like The Pussycat Dolls at all so I would have to say 'You and Me' by Lifehouse, shazza . It's a good song. :)

Eva , I'm so jealous that you're actually getting Movie Maker to work! Mine keeps freezing up on me at five minute intervals. I've been trying to do a Sandle video to Muse's 'Unintended' for about three months, but I've called it quits. But anyway, I really look forward to seeing yours. :)

I have a question for those Americans on here, or those who are knowledgeable about the American school system, in regards to a Sandle fic I'm writing. I know that in America there's different grades... what grade would someone be in if they were, say, 16? (Which would be the equivalent to Year 11 over here.) It's for a really tiny part of the fic, only going to be mentioned about once, but I like to have all the details right.
Erm okay so I think the best way to decide is a vote.

Awwwwwwwww.......sorry Salean my movie maker is the same sometimes but you have to be patient with stuff involving computers lol