Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

Okay, so ever since I've stopped watching the original CSI, I have, I guess stopped posting here. Doesn't mean I've stopped loving sandle and in fact, recently, I've been looking around for some decent sandle fanart to showcase on another forum I frequent. I've looked around and either my Google skills are bad or there's very little sandle fan art out there! :eek: So I resolve to make icons of all the sandle interaction, one per episode, and post them here. Hopefully I can finish before the end of this year. And maybe that will inspire others to make their own sandle fan art and get this thread active again.

If there actually is any good sandle fan art (banners or icons), please tell me so I can save it!

(I miss you too, karu_mila!
God, I can't believe how long it took me to reply to that!)
Well I had to bring this thread back up since last night's episode and the hug and sweet scene between Sara and Greg. I still think they would have made a great couple on the show, but in any case I would say they are definitely best friends. It was nice to see Greg smile so big when he saw her. We have not seen him smile that much in a while. She does bring out the best in him.
I also loved the hug, he's so cool and so happy she's happy and glad their married, they've always been buddies, and always will be. If WP/Grissom returns and rumors he will, maybe Greg and the team will throw them a wedding reception.
Well hopefully we will get some more good scenes with them together before she is gone. I wonder if he will rant to her more about getting no respect?

I did love that scene with them though, hugging. It felt like old times.
Hey I finally found the thread for my ship! :) I loved that hug on the season premiere too it made me smile and reminded me how much I love this ship :thumbsup: I just wish this had happened on the show would have made me really really happy, but maybe I'm in denial but I'm not giving up on my ship cause I loved this ship from the very beginning when I discovered it.
Well last night's episode had my Sandle heart beating a little bit more. I love when Greg and Sara work a case together. The little looks between them and I notice in the one scene as they were outside and zoomed in on them, it looked like they had been laughing or something because Sara had a big smile on her face and so did he.
I duno, not sure but if i post here first time. Please don't flame me if i come here to post. I like Greg and Sara working together. I am also leaning on anywhere just as long that Sara comes back to us.

I like last episode seeing them team up on the case. Since the beginning of this season I think that Sara is much closer to Greg than the other. When I saw the hug scene in Family Affair , that was endearing. She was team up with Nick in previous epi and that was a delight for me. And now seeing Greg/Sara is like more than that. Notice Sara’s smile on the pond/lake, it was like rays of sunshine. She looks so happy. Working on that case, there is no trace of angst that only years before she was also pinned under a car. She is so back.
Oh I have thought for the last few years that Sara is closest to Greg, other than Grissom from the team. They really show affection for each other. I think a lot of that has to do with the close friendship the two actors have off screen too. But I think they just both understand each other better.
^Indeed. Sara has fair share of good working relationship with the guys as the seasons evolved (now, I miss Warrick). When I watched old seasons, she was close to Warrick, (on csi 2x14, the fact that Warrick knows where she would date Hank, she must've told him and not to Nick because it was Warrick who told him after). Nick has a soft spot on her (vice versa) especially maybe when his ordeal in Grave Danger. Then she mentors Greg, he is an apprentice (yeah yoda master ;)), a friend/listener to her when she was being reprimanded/inappropriate to Catherine.

And then when she said goodbye (season 8), Greg gave cold shoulder to Grissom. He must’ve been hurt when he thought he (Griss) let her go just like that. So that when she came back now, it was Greg who mention of the marriage *(insert hug scene here… comment like “how’s the world treating you?”)*, therefore I come to believe that she is in constant communication with him more. Or… anyway..

And oh, how can I forget this quote from 8x03:
SARA: You missing me yet?
GREG: A little more every day.

...I think a lot of that has to do with the close friendship the two actors have off screen too. But I think they just both understand each other better.
And yeah, I think they are very close too personally, very good friends, Jorja-Eric. They photographed beautifully on recent events,
Like here and here.
And she could do this while in between.:lol:
I loved the last episode with them working together loved it. Always loved episodes when Greg and Sara worked together some of them are my favorite episodes I might add. Can't help it always been a Sandle shipper and that will probably never change no matter what happens on the actual show or not. Also I agree that Greg and Sara are really close, very good chemistry.
I think Sara would be just as thrilled if it was Greg that was the one who announced his marriage, that's what friends do. She's also tight with Nick, and had many tender with our lost brother Warrick. And her camraderie with Super Dave, Archie, her intense talks with Brass, and Doc adores her. She's even had some funny banter with annoying Hodges and who does that? the only one who troubled her was Ecklie and how ironic he called her back:confused: I'm sure that all the men on the show are so happy to work with her again. And am so glad she's back, to share her working expertise with all of theml:thumbsup:
*wanders in nursing her jaw* Having your wisdom teeth taken out is enough to put a girl out of commission... I've missed you guys!

he little looks between them and I notice in the one scene as they were outside and zoomed in on them, it looked like they had been laughing or something because Sara had a big smile on her face and so did he.

It just gave me a warm feeling... it's great seeing them like this, comfortable and at ease with each other. They just work so well together and it's great seeing them laughing and joking around. It's one of the things I've missed about them. I hope that they get to team up on more cases together.