Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Naz I understand you just too well, I was torn between my anxiety b/c of reading something I don't want to read, any my curiosity. Well, curiosity won, and I was close to tears... I hate Grissom and I hate TPTB for doing this to us. This morning I went shopping and in the shopping centre they played this totally melancholic and sad music, Westlife for example.

...I try to read, I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.

And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far...

And I was standing there and all I could think of was Sandle... :(
Kat maybe we could cry together then....the TPTB is cruel...very cruel...thats why i started to hate them and grissom(juz the character) Greg should show something more than just stood there and make a shocking face.....he should erm...bang his head on the wall or cry or dropped to his knee and cry when he heared the news.....

if Greg still lovs sara and the TPTB know sbt it....they should make something hopeful...not hopeless....damn them...when in the end, there's sandle, i'll take my words back :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Maybe we should create a group like "We-cry-because-of-GSR-and-aren't-ashamed-to-tell-anyone" *lol*
Honestl, Greg should really really do something! Come on, be a man Greggo! You're not a kid anymore, claim your rights and fight!

Ok guys I gotta go now. I'll go to my uncle and I'll be back tomorrow. Hehe Eva on my way to Osnabrück I can already see the signs leading to Amsterdam on the autobahn :lol:

See you, and STAY POSITIVE!!!
Thanks for caring guys. *huggles* :D And Eva, thanks for the dedication. :) The SPOTD cheered me up. :) I love the poem Kat. :)

I hate to see the thread so sad. But we can't help it.. :( The finale is just too sad. I believe that Greg still loves Sara but I hope he showed it. I don't really hate Grissom. It's not his fault he fell in love with Sara. The only mistake he did is.. he stole Sara from Greg. People say that Sara never belonged to Greg.. oh yes she does!! They belong together and everyone knows it. Wow! The inner dragon in me has spoken. :eek: ;)
Greg love Sara and Sara love one..i reapet NO ONE can apart them...not even Grissom, not even to pissed to think logical...they are a couple and remain as a couple....i dun care what other ppl says but its true.....there just to many flirt scene when it comes to Greg and Sara together than Grissom and Sara scene. That proves it...They both love each othe no matter what....

sry but i let my feelings go :mad:
Let your feelings go girl. It's okay.. But make sure you don't let them go too far that you might hurt some people. (some shippers.. they visit this thread too. :)) The thing that bothers me most is for Greg not showing his feelings. If Grissom was able to tell everyone his feelings, Greg should too. He must be too crushed with the surprise for him not to be able to show his feelings but still... Come on Greggo!!
well its ok....maybe he will have more screentimes during the continuation.....maybe...i hope so how bout greg found her first....its gonna be good...Greg, Sara's hero :lol:
Oohh.. I like that. :D

Greggo, Sara's hero. (It rhymes too. ;)) or Greggo, the brave. :) Yay! We're being positive!! *shares and eats positivity cookies*
ouh yah Pau i like the idea...hey how bout we haf the name of the next thread...Greggo,Sara's hero...i love ur idea.....and thank for the cookies i definitely need those....its raining here...i think the weather follows my mood today :p

well hey..i do feel happier and calm now.... :D :D
Me too. Positivity cookies are a big help. :D That's not my idea Naz, it's yours. :) I am making a Sandle wallpaper right now. It's not really that good but.. it's Sandle. :)

Edited: The wallpaper is done. Enjoy!! :D ;)She Will be Loved
Greggo, Sara's hero. Or Greggo, Sara's Gold Star. :D Those are great ideas for the next thread names! Our threads are always positive. I know it's very hard to keep that tradition up sometimes, but we gotta hold on. We still believe in the power of the Sandle Love; someday it'll conquer CSI.

Whoa. I feel like a judge making a statement in court. :lol: *hits hammer on table*
Well, I'm back...not too happy though considering my idiotic self being drawn to spoilers...

Welcome back, Eva. I'm glad you had a good time with your friends. Sandle Love, Positivity Cookies, Blue Hawaiian and good friends are the only cure in times like this! Oh, and the Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks or SSCB help too ;)

We gotta stay positive, everybody!

Because, as every single one of us knows, Sara and Greg are meant to be together and they god damn WILL be together!

I apologise for my outburst. It always happens at times like this :(

I am so sorry that you and your family are having to go through hard times, Pau. My prayers are with you, and I hope your grandfather gets better soon :) Just like we always say, Stay Positive!

It really helps to stay positive doesn't it, everybody? I mean, without our positivity, a lot of us would have probably given up on Sandle a long time ago, myself included. But all I have to do is remember why I started shipping Sandle and I know that I can never give up on them.

To cheer everyone up, I come bearing gifts. This gift is dedicated to Paula.

With The Help Of Windows Movie Makers clever abilty to take screencaps I present to you all >>> The Sexy Mr Sanders licking his lips and the sight of the Gorgeous Miss Sidle

I had to brighten it a little or you wouldn't be able to see it properly. But, there ya go!

Hope everyone feels a little better now...Grrr, Grisso...I, Grizzly Bear...yeah, grizzly... :p
Hey guys, sorry I've been missing but NY's finale kinda...needed it. Sorry...from the general gist of all your posts, I'm guessing the finale wasn't what you guys wanted it to be. I'm reading the summary as we speak.

NEVER FEAR, it's to be continued (I know I know, we all hate TPTB for it!) BUT! (and there lies the loved and hated but) there's still hope ~ which will never die.

You guys still have next season to see Sara dump Grissom and run into Greg's awaiting arms! Hehe, they just needed to end this season quickly so next season can be totally SANDLE-icious!

Have I cheered anyone up? Or do I need a dirty comment? But first, *Liff hands out slices of double chocolate cake with cream to everyone*

Dirty thought? Just think how Grissom would feel when he finds out what Sara n Greg have been doing behind his back. :devil: In the broom cupboard, grissom's desk, car park......:devil: The guy needs to give up, seriously. There's no hope for GSR.

Oh and another thought, there is a chance that I'm going to go to CBS studios to do some door pounding with pitchforks and torches if they do something bad to D/L in season 4. Shall we all go together then? Oh we're not protesting, we're just gonna skip there and burn the place down if we dont get what we want. Anybody interested?

(I know, I know, I shouldn't be encouraging violence, but not giving us doesn't help anyone) - It's payback time!

For now, TPTB is on my good side (hehehehe...see my avvy and banner? YUP that's D/L) and in season 4 we'll see SANDLE in the same position! (well not one does pool table smex like D/L do) but you get my point!

Oh, Pau, sorry to hear about your grandfather, i hope he gets well soon! :(

Katja, love the poem, its so sad, but so true. I hope he gets a proper reaction next season. [[Or heads will roll :mad:]]

Still trying to stay positive over here, maybe when [[notice i say when not if]] they rescue Sara she'll realize Grissom puts her in danger, and Greg keeps her safe [[Then again he does have the James family after him]] oh well...SANDLE WILL PREVAIL! I know it I know it I know it! *Stomps foot angrily* :mad:

Geez, TPTB have me acting like a 5 year old. *pouts* :(

Sabser, the licking lip look! [[Try saying that five times fast]] You've brightened my day! :lol:
SandleDL said:
Maybe we should create a group like "We-cry-because-of-GSR-and-aren't-ashamed-to-tell-anyone" *lol*
Hahah, I'd join. It's true, GSR makes me close to tears. But I mostly just get angry. :mad: :p :D
I love your poem and your quotes as always Kat.

Oh and another thought, there is a chance that I'm going to go to CBS studios to do some door pounding with pitchforks and torches if they do something bad to D/L in season 4. Shall we all go together then? Oh we're not protesting, we're just gonna skip there and burn the place down if we dont get what we want. Anybody interested?
Me and my deep hatred for TPTB are interested! :D Heheh. I can be very evil sometimes. :devil:
Oh, and thanks for the cake BTW.

Gosh, Pau, I'm so, so, so sorry for what happened with your grandfather! I hope both you and him feel much better soon. :D
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