Salaries of Popular TV Characters

That's interesting
So does Grissom make the same as Horatio?
and it's interesting that a police detective in NYC makes the same as a High School football coach in Texas.
ShuriyuCSI said:
o_O For the salaries listed there.. It makes just as much sense to just be a lawyer.

Or a neurology surgeon. I want to be a heart or neurology surgeon. Didn't know you could make that much.
Wow, I've been thinking about a career as a lawyer. I never knew the cash flow was that good. But then again, I couldn't make as much as it says in the list, considering I live in Canada.
I showed my mom that article when I read it last night on AOL and she was suprised that Horatio makes so little and that Dr Shepard on Grey's Anatomy makes so much. It was interesting though.
thats because dr shepard is a surgeon and horatio is in law enforcement ;) its crazy what doctors earn nowadays, but considering they can save my life i say they deserve it :)
i thought house was a very specialized doctor, so wasnt expecting his salary to be half of what a surgeons is. but i guess neurosurgeons would really be up there. not that house is suffering financially at all :lol:
wow! Dr. Derek Shepherd's salary is about 7 times the salary of Horatio Caine. It is really shocking. Thanks for the info!