Safest & Most Dangerous U.S. Cities-2007

Yeah, New Orleans' crime moved to where people relocated.

I'm surprised I've only been to four of those cities. But I'm not surprised that Cleveland's on there. :mad: Any place where you can be lost for seven hours has got to be dangerous.
xfcanadian said:
it is most likely based on crime rates. Meaning for each crime, its the number recorded each year and divided on the population of the city, therefore it would be the crime per capital. So even though there will be more crime overall in a larger city like New York, there would be less per capita because of the large population size.

Thanks, now that makes a bit more sense to me. I was sitting here wondering why the big cities like NYC, LV, LA, Miami, and Chicago weren't on the list, but now I get it.

And yeah, I'm not surprised about Compton either. Or Detroit and Flint for that matter. But I went to DC last summer, and to be honest, the law enforcement officers themselves were the scariest thing there. :lol: :rolleyes: I would not be surprised if the number of security workers they have outnumber the actual criminals. And you can't go ten feet without bumping into a metal detector, so I don't see how anyone would get away with anything.
LibertyBell said:
And yeah, I'm not surprised about Compton either. Or Detroit and Flint for that matter. But I went to DC last summer, and to be honest, the law enforcement officers themselves were the scariest thing there. I would not be surprised if the number of security workers they have outnumber the actual criminals. And you can't go ten feet without bumping into a metal detector, so I don't see how anyone would get away with anything.

Well, while you're likely correct about the number of security officers in the District, they are pretty much localized to the touristy spots, which, coincidentally (or not) are located close to all of the federal buildings and the seat of government. Stray about a mile in any direction from those places, and you won't be so fortunate.

There are a lot of security cameras and the like, but I can go months without going near a metal detector -- unless I go to the airport. ;) It really just depends on where you go, because lately even the traditionally safe train system has seen spikes in crime.
Where's Philadelphia??? Every year it seems there are more and more murders, and I could swear it was on a list of dangerous cities not too long ago...

Oh well, I guess Philly will have to settle for being 'ugliest' and 'fattest' and not 'most dangerous.'
In defense of my city, besides the 'crime' element, which so far hasn't touched me or my friends, this city is dazzling, vibrant, exciting :D lights cameras and much action! the best shows, and every celebrity/famous person ever comes here, Malls galore, and 3 Rollar Coasters, if you're into that! and the most delicious cheapest food anywhere, not to mention the perfect weather, except a couple of blistering months in the summer, Mt. Charlestion for hiking, and Red Rock Canyon for beauty, Lake Mead for swimming, boating and water skiing, and the nicest perople I've ever met anywhere ;) VIVA LAS VEGAS
Baltimore, Md. & Washington, D.C.!! Why am I not surpised that they are on the Most dangerous side?!? But, I should feel really safe there so close to me!
Least it got Birmingham, Ala and Memphis, Tenn. the most dangerous area to live in. I have never been in Memphis, but I heard it danger there. Birmingham is the worst to live in. Detroit, Michigan is a danger area too.