Safest & Most Dangerous U.S. Cities-2007

It's funny but all of the places that I grew up appear on both lists. I don't know how many times I've been both Brick and Newark New Jersey alone.

Cary NC on the safest list? I was just there a couple of weeks ago and I was pretty terrified to go out alone... it's pristine I guess... but so empty for a city that it's frightening.
I don't know if its a good or bad thing that the city I live in isn't on either of the lists.
It is funny that as one from the Netherlands I do know most of the names appearing on the dangerous list and just a few on the least dangerous list :rolleyes:
It doesn't matter if your city is on either list. It depends upon whether you are in the right place or wrong place at the time. No place is safe these days.
Sweet. The cities that I work in and socialize in are both on the dangerous list. *goes in search of her pepper spray*
I can't believe that Las Vegas is not on this list, as 'dangerous' there's murder, rape, home invasions, robberies, drive by shootings, kidnappings, drug busts constantly, and other random crimes, it's frighting and scary, yet it's not on this list, OK, I can't imagine anything more rampant then what's doing on here, so these other cities are worse..HOW?
I'm pretty happy to see the city I'm going to go to college to soon is on the safe list.

go me :D
Good to see good old Newark up there on the dangerous side!! :)

But what's with Orlando being dangerous? I don't think so....
I think the information was complied using the total of all crimes commited from a certian time period. Like Dynamo1 said it's all where you are, no where is safe anymore.
it is most likely based on crime rates. Meaning for each crime, its the number recorded each year and divided on the population of the city, therefore it would be the crime per capital. So even though there will be more crime overall in a larger city like New York, there would be less per capita because of the large population size.

I am not surprised at most of those...especially Compton LOL. I am surprised that Baltimore or New Orleans isn't on there though...
Baltimore is on the list. It comes in at #12. New Orleans has probably seen a drop in the crime rate because so many people are focused on reconstruction and getting their lives back together, not to mention a huge segment of the population simply has not been able to move back since the Katrina disaster.