S3 - Who do you wanna see working together??

Season 3 will be here in **let me check again** 79 days. I know, it's a long time and yes, I'm counting down. :rolleyes:

So, while we wait, who would you like to see working together next season? And yes, this time I have added Det Flack to the poll. ;)

Mac, Stella, Grissom, Catherine, Horatio, Calleigh, Jordan, Woody, Jack, Vivian... sorry, got carried away.
Ooh, I've gotta think about this one for a bit before I vote...only 4? *sobs* ;)


I went for:

Mac and Lindsay (I like her the best when she's working with Mac)

Danny and Flack (that's the shipper in me talking, of course ;))

Danny and Hawkes (just because I love them working together)

and Danny, Hawkes and Flack (because I think my brain might explode from the hotness, but I'll die a happy woman. :lol: Besides, the Three Musketeers thread in the shipper forum is in need of some appropriate screencaps. ;))

Really though, I'd like to see all of those combinations and any others that you could make, just so there'd be plenty of variety in season 3. :)
Well, that was easy ;) all Danny/Flack combinations are good :D and no, I didn't mean it like that! ;) or did I? :p
They work so well together, great chemistry, NY attitude at its finest, and they don't get paired up often enough. Hardly ever. Stupid PTB! :p
yea.. what happened there...
Overwhelmed by the possible combinations, I guess.

Danny and Flack definitely need to work together more--as TPTB would know if they bothered to read one of the 35-bazillion threads in which we've mentioned it! :lol::lol::lol:
Radical618 said:
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
What no Flack & Lindsay? Or Lindsay, Danny & Flack?

yea.. what happened there... :confused:

Sorry about that...can't remember them all. At least I added Flack this time since they almost killed me for leaving him out of the Favorite Duo poll.

I picked Danny/Flack, Danny/Hawkes, Danny/Hawkes/Flack, and Mac/Stella/Flack **do I see a pattern here? (Danny or Flack in all of them)**

Dynamo1, no fair...you can't add Vegas in there. ;) :lol:
Well I voted for Mac/Stella/Flack, but they can always leave Stella behind <g>
Seriously though, I'd like to see whether Mac/Flack's interactions would change any after the bombing.

I'd also like to see Flack and Hawkes together. I've just finished the S1 DVD's and realized that they don't actually have any screentime together. Did they work together at all in S2?
My picks:

- Danny/Lindsay - Just cute :D
- Danny/Flack - No explanation needed ;)
- Mac/Stella - Have very good chemistry, I missed that in season 2
- Lindsay/Hawkes - We've hardly seen them together, I wanna see more of that.

But overall, I want them to mix a lot.
I should have known you'd want Stella out of the picture, Ceindreadh. :lol: Mac/Flack has totally consumed you. :p I'm interested to see if their relationship changes as well, though. :)

And yeah, Flack and Hawkes worked together at least twice in season 2. First in "Summer in the City" and then in the one with the boy that died in the fire (can't remember the name off the top of my head). There may have been more, but I can't think of them at the moment. :)
^^Boy that died in fire?? Oh crap, that must be one of the episodes I missed. Does anybody remember which one that is? I still haven't seen 4 of them.
Mac & Stella - They work well together, and they've got chemistry. Sorta.

Mac & Hawkes - Hawkes is good with anyone, as long as we have MORE OF HIM

Danny & Hawkes - Again with the more Hawkes. I'd like to see them work without Lindsay for once, because I don't think that has happened yet.

Danny & Stella - Remember Season 1? They were so good together.

Pretty much, I'm good with anything except for Danny & Lindsay, Stella & Lindsay, Hawkes & Lindsay and Mac & Lindsay, though she is most bearable with Mac. Lets just have her in the lab, or not at all.