Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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CSI Level Two
Welcome, flemish_rabbit! I'm from Holland.. Hello neighbour-land! :lol: And I'm sure you'll fit in just fine, and it probably won't be hard to get used to this. All you need is a strong love for Jonathan/Ryan. I think :rolleyes:..

How do you guys like my new avvie? :)
:eek: Time for a new thread already!! :D Parrtaayyy!!! :D

I know right now we don't have a title but in the mean time we have to have a place to talk about our love for Ryan/Jon. ;) So, once we pick one it would be greatly appreciated if I mod could add in the title. :)

Now for tradition:

inge's Suggestions for viewing Jonathan Togo pics:

1. Always remember: breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

2. Don't eat or drink while you are watching the pics. Otherwise you're in danger.

3. Tell someone what you are doing and this person should check on you every five minutes or so. Note: This person should be able to call 911.

4. Be sure that in case of fading or fainting that you have a cozy place to land. Place some pillows on the floor, for example, or tie yourself to the chair.

life_style's Guide to 'The Togo Fan's Proper Techniques For Viewing CSI: Miami:'

1. It is also important to add that someone should be present while you watch CSI Miami, but that it is illegal for them to talk during Togo's parts. Preferably a doctor of some kind, so that he or she could regularly check your breathing etc.

2. Bring a bucket or some tissues, because there will be major drooling going on when you watch an eppy or some pics. You don't want to ruin your clothes, or the floor or something.

Cuteness from the recent interview:

Smile :)

Let the drooling continue. :p

edited by mod to add in thread title.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

*drools* PARTYYY!! *hugs Katie* I told you you could do it! :D

We better get a poll for a name soon!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Wow, a new thread! congrats! :D

I haven't been here for a long while. I don't know why :confused:
But I hope I will be looking around here more often than in the last thread. *looking forward to some nice and hot pics*:devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

YAA!!! A new thread!

I love that picture sandersidle!! He is so damn HOT! And i'm pretty sure everyone one loved last night episode's Ryan's scenes!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

WHOOT! WHOOT! Yay, for the new thread! And congrats, everyone! Partaaay! :lol:

Katie, that pic is sooo cute! I agree, that man is drop dead gorgeous. :eek: Can't. Stop. Staring. *is smitten* Shhh! Don't tell my hubby! :D:devil:

Oh yeah... and loved him in last night's episode. Just when I think he can't get any more gorgeous... BAM! He casts a spell on me, and I find myself worshipping The Only Gorgeous One!! *bows down at the feet of TOGO* :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

wow, new threat!
good job Katie. :) *gives her cookies*

so, last episode was nice?
He did nothing stupid? :eek:

Hm, I think we shouldn't worry to much about the wink to Natalia. He can't stay mad at her forever and he shouldn't be. It's not healthy. Let him nice to her just for one episode. In the next episode everything can be different. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

So what? Are we continuing with the winking talk, because if we are I'm sorry to say that he wasn't very good at it last night lol. I was reading the other thread and was thinking: "I was so attentive for all of his scenes, how did I miss this wink." Then I remembered the scene when he oddly blinked at Boa Vista.

He is amazingly gorgeous, hot, sexy (you get the point), and I love to see him wink, but last night's was a little odd.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Yes, it was a relief to see him not do anything stupid for once. I hope the writers keep that up.

I'm of the same opinion that his wink to Natalia meant nothing. You're right, inge, he can't stay mad at her forever, or it might start affecting his work, not just their work relationship. I would hate to see him be the cause of unnecessary tension in the lab. I would think he's professional enough to not let his feelings/resentment towards her affect his job in the long run (even though he has clearly stated his disapproval of her in the beginning). It's good to see him moving on and 'happier.' :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

The Only Gorgeous One..LOL That's good, must remember that for later reference. I'll forget in two minutes though.

But yea, his winking at Natalia...nothing...so I agree with shadowfax, can't stay mad at someone you work with forever....ok so you CAN, but..

Jeez, I need to shut up before I confuse myself.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Hurrah, new thread!!! :D

Shadowfax and Ebonymist , I admit, I am a fan of Eric and Ryan's relationship and will be a regular visitor to the Shipper thread. Although, obviously, if it came down to it, I would get Ryan before Eric! Goes without saying! :lol:

I think it is cute that he can't really wink properly; he isn't quite the suave charmer and that is really endearing.
I think, he should undo a few buttons more and keep not-winking-properly - it is gorgeous! :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

YAY New thread..throws confetti. Great Job Katie...and perfect pic to start it out, here's a cookie for you.

OMG that smile ...drools on keyboard cause I filled my drool bucket last night over him in ep and I can't lift it.

Yeah I'm calmed down over the wink thing...it was just him telling her job well done..I'm convinced.
Yes Inge another ep of Ryan NOT doing anyting dumb, well the wink was at first but I'm moving on from that. I agree he shouldn't hold the grudge against her, it's not healthy. Especially since they have to work together. He did call her his friend... He said something like " well you see my friend that's our job to find something else." like that ...
I can handle him being her friend. OH WTF was up with the scene with them on the beach..the sun setting behind them and they were soooooo close..Maybe that's what had me so upset in the first place.
OH Well new thread YAY..bowing down to the of the Gorgeous One!!!! I bet he even has cute little toes.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Congrats on the new thread everyone. :D I come bearing a present in the form of Ryan!


I kind of like how Ryan is this season. He doesn't seem to be holding a grudge against anyone, and he's been very professional. (Well, aside from spraying too much luminol on the blood samples) I was so proud when he didn't take the evidence from Alexx in 'Internal Affairs'. He stayed with the case he needed to be working on, but still showed he was supportive of Eric. :D He's grown so much, in my opinion. It's nice to see that he isn't the sole bringer of tension in the show. --A nice change.

He's also been very refreshing to see this season. Now I look forward to seeing him each Monday. :) (Never really had a favorite character for the past few seasons)

Plus, I like his haircut. :devil:
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