Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

I'll be posting the winner first thing in the AM.Going to bed now because I have an early day that includes recertification for CPR and work.
Had a hard time with this one.

Second runner up is GG with:Srut sexy down the stairs which I couldn't put the title on.

Had a really hard time picking a winner,actually had a three way tie.

First runner up is MiamiStyle with:
I love the look on his beautiful face.

The winner is luf with:
Camera/arm porn
I'm a pushover for those arms!

I wasn't sure about this beautiful photo although it wasn't Photoshopped. It does deserve a special mention though.
Dear Diary

Congrats luf .Handing Ryan over to you. Can't wait to see the theme you come up with.
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MiamiStyle, can I borrow that "Dear Diary" picture you posted? I love that you put it together to make a big one and I really want to Photoshop with it. :lol:
Absolutely luf! Feel free to steal and Photoshop away. :D

Congrats on the win! I look forward to seeing what the next theme is.
Ooooh thanks greatfan! *huggles Ryan* I hope this one wasn't already a theme, tight t-shirts! :D Let's see more of those arms, haha.

By the way Hollyyo I loled at that, and thank you MiamiStyle! :D
I suppose I'll choose the winner now? Is this too soon? My first time doing this. :D Oh well.

Runner up is greatfan with the Identical tee, because, dayum. :eek:

Buut I had to go with Goonie Girl's blue tee. Sooo good, until he covers it up. :lol: Darn lab coats.
Sha-weet! Alright, the next theme is: Facial Expressions (for those who follow me on tumblr...;) ) Any facial expression goes. Snarky, happy, impressed, sarcastic, confused... the sky is the limit!

One pic for reference:
Deadpan expression
I like Jon, I have a video from Season 5 on DVD where Jon goes to the real Miami-Dade Police Department and rides along with them. I haven't watched it all yet, but the real Miami-Dade CSI Lab looks nothing like what we see on TV. Jon is a good host and I also read an article on his house. He lives no different than me. It tells me tha he is a good, honest, man.
By the way, Jon has a movie that is suppose to be out, where he plays the part of a killer. Does anybody know the name of the movie and when it will be available in the U.S., on DVD so I can rent it. I hate going to the movie theaters these days. If I have to get up to go to the restroom, I miss a good part. With DVD, you and pause and rewind! Let me add that Jon like to work out, and I'm sure many of you know that. I had a picture of him hitting that puching bag!