Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

I guess we might as well wait for BDS since it has gone this far.I know it may seem I'm being a picky *itch but it has always irritated me when simple rules are listed and just ignored and things don't move along as they could.Probably part of my "oldest" child syndrome,rule follower and somewhat bossy.
Ok I'm back it's morning and it was so good to start it with Ryan:)

My phone's a bad any and connection acts up again, (darn non-smartphones and non-pc's).

All the pics were totally awesome but I chose only one, w/o runner-ups etc.

So the winner is MiamiStyle with 3

Handing Ryan to you. Enjoy! ;)
Thanks so much BDS! *Huggles Ryan*

Alrighty, the next theme will be Looking at The Evidence.

Here's a few examples from Ryan's first episode to get you started:

Guess I'll see you all in about 24 hours! :)
Even though I have the feeling this theme (or smth along this line) has already been on line I don't for another round :D
Oh, sorry about that. Guess I'll have to double check before picking a theme next time. :)

Great round you guys! I love em all, but here's the results:

1st runner up is BDS with Now tell me your secret, honey (The eyes *faints*)

And the winner is greatfan with five (The angle on this one was way too much for me to say 'no' to. :D)

*Hands Ryan to GF* Congrats girl! Can't wait to see what the next theme is.
Thank you MiamiStyle . I've been waiting for Ryan/Jon to return to me!
I totally borrowed this theme from another thread.
We all know that Ryan/Jon is sexy so let's see your ideas of sexy.You can post any pic you think of as sexy.No restriction on different clothing,expressions,etc.
The next theme is:Now that's sexy!
See you Monday evening.

To get you started:
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... Are you asking me to post my entire Jonathan/Ryan picture collection? ;) (We can do Jonathan in this theme, right?)

Now that's sexy

Simply Ryan
The good life
I'm too sexy...
Dear Diary (I hope this one counts. I know the rules say no 'photoshopped' pictures, but all I really did to this was stitch two pictures together. )
Gun porn

Here's the first six to catch my eye. If the theme's still running when I get back from work I'll spend a little more time looking and see if I can't do a second set. :)
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... Are you asking me to post my entire Jonathan/Ryan picture collection? ;) (We can do Jonathan in this theme, right?)
LOL,great idea right?
I absolutely love the "Dear Dairy". I'm at work right now but I'm snaggig it as soon as I get home.
Thanks for posting .:thumbsup:

Still hoping for a few more participants.
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Scratch that second set, I'm falling asleep at my computer. lol

I absolutely love the "Dear Dairy". I'm at work right now but I'm snagging it as soon as I get home.
Thanks for posting .:thumbsup:
As you can probably tell by my icon, I love that one to. I was considering keeping it all to myself, but I'm afraid this theme of yours dragged it out of me. ;)
Yes I have. :D

MiamiStyle, can I borrow that "Dear Diary" picture you posted? I love that you put it together to make a big one and I really want to Photoshop with it. :lol: