Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

Oh my gosh thank you GG!:)

Uhh I have a tie with two theme names (originally one popped in my head few days ago in case I need:lol:)
But since it's weekend I'll choose the first one that popped in my mind (the second one literally crashed into my mind just when I woke up:))

So for this round it's Tools in Ryan's hands
Ok I know I'm late with this but it looks to me that noone else's going to join so I'm just gonna post results before I fall asleep face-first into tv screen... *yawn*

Runner up is GF with Tool 2 <--- His expression is just:guffaw:.... My friend saw it and started to laugh that he's going to attack somebody :guffaw:

And winner is city hunter with one <--- I just found it hilarious:guffaw:

So Ryan's gonna be at your doorstep whenever is your time zone:) Have fun!
Oh such wonderful pics to choose from,they were all great.

Our second runner up is city hunter with:
Smile 2
I've always liked Ryan's smile in this picture.

First runner up is BDS with:
Smokin pot Buddy?
Ryan laughing at Eric,and the look on Eric's face just cracks me up.

The winner is GG with:
Snarky...but don't look it
This is the pic that inspired the "His Royal Hotness" title for Ryan. I thought he looked like a handsome prince in this picture.
Congrats Goonie,handing Ryan over to you.
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