Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

Talk about a hard choice,this one is.
Second runner up is city hunter with:
So Serious 1

Went back and forth several times between 1st runner up and winner.
1st runner up is BDS with this pic which will be my next background:
http://jonathan-togo.com/gallery/albums/Television/2004%20CSI%20Miami/Season%209/905/905_005.jpg Don't even dare to move

The winner is GG with:
Seriously Purple
The winning pic of Ryan caused a lot of controversy.From the cliffhanger from season 6,many wondered if Ryan had something to do with Horatio's shooting.That question was discussed on boards all over including this one. The board had the most members on line after that particular episode.
Congrats GG,I'm handing Ryan over to you!
Lol, I was seriously about to come on here and post more... good thing I got distracted deciding, =).

Thank you so much, GF! (Come here, Jon... I have cookies!)

Next theme is Cell phone <---- such as that picture. (Sorry for the lack of focus. Seems I caught the moment midway through movement, lol)

This theme can be of any nature. It could be up to his ear, in his hand... heck, it doesn't even have to be his cell phone. Annnndddd... GO!
Was gonna cap some more episodes, but I realized I totally have enough in my supply for this one. I shall post them in zee morn!