Jag Lady
Lab Technician
Oh my gosh, so many hot pics. :drool:
Anyways, hello! Newbie poster in this particular thread.I've been a Ryan/Jon fan since the moment I started watching this show (honestly, I've never seen seasons 1 and 2 because he's not in it
), but never actually posted in here. So, after this week's awesome Ryan episode I thought I'd post.
I really loved him in this week's episode. In particular, I was really happy that we got some insight to Ryan's childhood. I think he's really overdue for a storyline, because we know virtually nothing about him.I hope he can get a solid storyline sometime this season!
Also, his face when he saw the telescope was just so adorable! :adore:
Welcome, Quinn Fabray. The more the merrier. Ryan just sort of grows on you.