Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

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  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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Haha at the end of every post it was edited to put in a spoiler code!!

How are we not supportive of his character? We come on the internet every day and post in this thread about him! I personally think we are a little too supportive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I really doubt Togo is going to leave the show. I hope. Surely we would have heard about it by now. But gosh, if they kill him off I would cry for reals. Anyway, I'm sure it's character development stuff (that I'm wayyyy excited for!!).
I think everyone has calmed down now so it's okay.
As you know there was some upset over an upcoming episode.I didn't like it myself,but if played out well, could be a great episode for Ryan's character.
I'm far from upset, I'm excited and to be quite honest...a little nervous. This episode in itself can do one of two things to Ryan, make him or break him. The break him option scares me the most, because that's a pretty good sign that Togo might be leaving. This could very well lead to some amazing character development for Ryan and I can't wait...but there's still that itch of consern/worry that this experience will effect Ryan so much, that he could very well leave the lab on his own accord(i.e. Alex). But then again, we knew about Kandi's departure way before it happened so I'm confident we have nothing to worry about as far as Jon is conserned.

*and breathes*

Those wicked TPTB! But I'm still excited for what's in store for Ryan this season! :)
Random request. Does anyone have the picture from Sacoor, of Jonathan like lying on his side with the Macbook in front of him (Orla_Dark's signature pic!)? I don't feel like searching for it so if anyone has it handy on their computer and feels nice enough to post it for me... :D Please and thankies?
I think once we get spoilers for 7.21 that mention Ryan I think we'll be ok. :) I seriously doubt he's leaving, but what will we do if he does? Aaaaaa.... Anyway, no one thought Emily was leaving when we heard about.....everything she's gone through lol, so I think we're fine. Like you said, miamifan, this episode could have the possibility of turning out bad for Ryan and just completely break his character. But I'm hoping TPTB can use this as an oppurtunity to show us Ryan as a human. Not Ryan, alien from planet NoEmotionorFamily.
I really don't get this no emotion thing. There have been plenty of times where he's shown a great amount of emotion. The ep where Eric was shot, Nailed, the ep where he was beating up on that guy threatening Mark, etc...
I really don't get this no emotion thing. There have been plenty of times where he's shown a great amount of emotion. The ep where Eric was shot, Nailed, the ep where he was beating up on that guy threatening Mark, etc...

I'm with you on that. He was also great in Resurrection when he acted like Horatio was dead.
luf100, as you asked:

I don't think Jon is leaving this show, but i don't like this storyline. He broke law! I know he did this saving Billis life, but still it's illegal. That means he should be fired and never come back on work in police. That's my bad feeling:( I hope it's not happen :rolleyes:
I wrote small bits of a fanfic about what would happen if Ryan contracted an illness from his staple cut.
Tell me if I should write more?



That fic was very good, the script style was a good idea. You should definitely write more in future.

Well, I hope that there is a little more developement on our dear Ryan. I think his comedic relief has stood out more than any drama that has occured with him lately.

I think Jon does very well with the comedy stuff. As someone wrote before, there are many avenues they could take his character down, and if they did choose to make Ryan lighter I think it would work very well. Although I do like the emotional stuff as well, and I agree GNRF- he has had some good scenes where his emotion shone through.

I'm choosing to look at the upcoming developments in a positive light. We have had no word that Jon is leaving, and they've done the firing thing once already so. But this epi could give Jon the opportunity to do some fantastic acting, and we all know he is more than capable of it. And at least he is getting screen time. I'm sure Horatio will sort it all out- I mean, he is the patron saint of distressed kids, so if anyone understands :)
It's not that he's had zero emotion, just not very many good opportunities to have any compared to what the other characters have had.

In Nailed it was just pain:eek: and every other thing has been anger. :scream:

Yeah, had to put the emoticon things lol....

Man, I think I really started a boo boo. I said in the other thread that I would cry if they killed him off and it got waaaaay out of control. He's not leaving. So there.
I don't think this issue is going to break Ryan, as he was forced to cover up evidence, and he is saving a life here. I know he's breaking the rules, but he's trying to be the hero for once. This is nothing like the gambling thing when he kept it from Horatio. With this episode I am sure H eventually finds out because at the end he shoots the assailant who kidnapped Billy Gantry. As far as Ryan Wolfe/ Jonathan Togo leaving? We would have heard something on tv guide channel or we would have read it somewhere on a message board. Ryan Wolfe isn't going anywhere so I am happy about this. Just have to start thinking positive :D
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I really don't get this no emotion thing. There have been plenty of times where he's shown a great amount of emotion. The ep where Eric was shot, Nailed, the ep where he was beating up on that guy threatening Mark, etc...

I'm with you on that. He was also great in Resurrection when he acted like Horatio was dead.

How about in One of Our Own when he slammed Dan Cooper against the wall? That was really awesome.
I really don't get this no emotion thing. There have been plenty of times where he's shown a great amount of emotion. The ep where Eric was shot, Nailed, the ep where he was beating up on that guy threatening Mark, etc...

I'm with you on that. He was also great in Resurrection when he acted like Horatio was dead.

How about in One of Our Own when he slammed Dan Cooper against the wall? That was really awesome.

That was great! I could watch that over and over again. Cooper deserved it too.
ha...COMPLETELY forgot about Resurrection. That part was pretty much amazing. I have like some major memory issues. I can barely remember the first like...10 episodes.

I guess it's just the fact that we go so long without seeing any emotion from Ryan at all. But that's not Togo's fault at all. It's TPTB! But hey, 7.20 just might break that cycle.

7.13 was good too.

And please, togo_girl, use the spoiler codes. I personally don't mind, but a lot of people do. The only places we can talk about spoiler things (like upcoming episodes) are in threads that say CONTAIN SPOILERS.
The past couple episodes have been really good ones for Ryan and he definitely got to bring out the emotion more than before. Even though he did have some good ones in the past that you guys are mentioning, but those always came along very rarely. He's on a pretty good streak with the screen time he's getting right now, I hope it doesnt end soon, but that doesnt look likely. :)
Wow, some nice comments here, I'd want to reply many of them, but that would make everyone crazy, me using the multi-quote button that many times :lol:

I'm gonna put this in a spoiler code, as it has some spoilerish in it:

I've been thinking about it, while reading the spoilers lately, if it's good or bad thing that he has to cover up that murder and the evidence stuff and being involved something bad again.
And I probably changed my mind - I'll like him, no matter what happens, and this is huge from me as until now I always thought that he deserves some good storylines and TPTB has to stop making him the screw-up guy. I don't care if he screws up something again or makes it finally a hero, as long as he gets the same amount of screentime, like he's been given this season. I like the character, I like Jon Togo, his acting, the way he forms Ryan. And I hope he won't leave, or TPTB won't make him leave, because I think Miami would lost much with that.

The emotion he is showing is not much, true - but so to say I'm quite used to it, and it would be strange if from now on he'd show amounts of emotion - but it'd be a bit out of character in my opinion. A bit more is fine as long as he stays the ways he is now :)
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