Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

What should the title of the thread be?

  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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how about the part last night where ryan was running after that guy. that was sooooo damn awesome. i was like, "go ryan go."
Oh, that was sexy scene, he a good fighter and now we know he a very good runner :drool: If only he was in t-shirt and jeans like in beginning :rolleyes:

FallenForFlack, thanks for caps :drool:
I loved Ryan in this episode!!! He was just being oh so fine!!! Some one needs to do caps of that lovely running scene. :drool:

From what I've seen of next week's promo, we are going to be doing some massive drooling every time he's on the screen! *black leather jacket pretty!* :drool: :guffaw:
FallenForFlack you wanted to cause me a heart attack with those pics :drool:? :lol:
last night's episode sounds fun :D I'm excited to see this one...and the others too:shifty:

I saw the promo for next weeks's episode. that black leather and blue t-shirt make an amazing combination for sure:D
And I'm going crazy on what's gonna happen...he is almost yelling with Diddy, and although I'm not really following what's going on in the spoiler thread I figured they gonna take his badge.again? Or did I misunderstand somnething?:wtf:Anyway the promo still looked like something is gonna happen to Ryan, what we have been asking for so long..

Wooo I almost forget something: welcome here pidgezero_one!!!:D
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And I'm going crazy on what's gonna happen...he is almost yelling with Diddy, and although I'm not really following what's going on in the spoiler thread I figured they gonna take his badge.again? Or did I misunderstand somnething?:wtf:Anyway the promo still looked like something is gonna happen to Ryan, what we have been asking for so long..

Yeah, I haven't seen the CTV promo, but Ryan is put on "administrative leave" and Horatio takes Ryan's gun and badge. I wonder if they'll show angst!!!! :)

And wow....that first picture...oh my goodness.

Let's just say we are going to need a shirtless scene. Soon.
Those are some amazing caps Fallen! :D

I only got to see the beginning of the episode because my local news station felt it was more important to broadcast the weather than Miami...:(
But Ryan looked absolutely amazing and heroic! He needs to wear that t-shirt in every episode.

And leather is involved next week? Brilliant idea ;)
FallenForFlack you wanted to cause me a heart attack with those pics :drool:? :lol:
last night's episode sounds fun :D I'm excited to see this one...and the others too:shifty:

I saw the promo for next weeks's episode. that black leather and blue t-shirt make an amazing combination for sure:D
And I'm going crazy on what's gonna happen...he is almost yelling with Diddy, and although I'm not really following what's going on in the spoiler thread I figured they gonna take his badge.again? Or did I misunderstand somnething?:wtf:Anyway the promo still looked like something is gonna happen to Ryan, what we have been asking for so long..

Wooo I almost forget something: welcome here pidgezero_one!!!:D

something is going to happen to ryan? oh my god he can't get fired again can he? this really sucks.
ahhh i really want him to be a hero for once:(. They really have to stop getting Ryan in trouble its getting to old:brickwall:!
He looked so hot in last ep :drool: I love this white t-shirt :drool: And blue t-shirt with leather jacket :drool: from next week promo:thumbsup:

So, did anyone notice that when Ryan processing evidence in the end they put some moments from Bombshell (when he find DNA on dress) :guffaw: They think we don't notice this? :guffaw: Anyone notice this too? :confused:
You weren't the only one who noticed that! When it came on I said to my mom "His shirt was a different colour." But she ignored me. :lol:

Ooh I liked the running scene too. The dog scared me! xD

I think I did hear Horatio say "I need your gun and badge please." And Ryan say "He's lying!" Oh lordy, if they fire him again... it better be just a short ONE episode leave or I'll actually be mad. Poor Ryan! Seriously, let the guy be a hero ONCE?
Everyone here is so nice! Thanks Stee :) And...
Let's just say we are going to need a shirtless scene. Soon.
I agree with this so much :drool:

I really hope Ryan doesn't get in trouble again, how many last straws can he pull? Hopefully a lot, because I don't want him to go away! :(
He looked so hot in last ep :drool: I love this white t-shirt :drool: And blue t-shirt with leather jacket :drool: from next week promo:thumbsup:

So, did anyone notice that when Ryan processing evidence in the end they put some moments from Bombshell (when he find DNA on dress) :guffaw: They think we don't notice this? :guffaw: Anyone notice this too? :confused:
You weren't the only one who noticed that! When it came on I said to my mom "His shirt was a different colour." But she ignored me. :lol:

Ooh I liked the running scene too. The dog scared me! xD

I think I did hear Horatio say "I need your gun and badge please." And Ryan say "He's lying!" Oh lordy, if they fire him again... it better be just a short ONE episode leave or I'll actually be mad. Poor Ryan! Seriously, let the guy be a hero ONCE?

I didn't hear Horatio say that, nor did I say Ryan say anything. Is Ryan going to get fired again?
That was the CTV promo, and I never saw the CBS one so I'm not sure if maybe Horatio didn't say that during the CBS one.

I don't think Ryan's gonna get fired again. Well, I really hope not. In some spoilers he was just being put "on leave" for however long I have no idea. But spoilers can always be wrong or have wrong points about them. :scream: I just hope he isn't in the beginning of the episode and then put on leave, and not in the rest of it. *sighs*
Yet another really good episode for Ryan this week. Its a shame he had to change outfits but it was necessary, darn. :lol: I kind of wish they incorporated more team interactment with the Calleigh situation. It seemed to only be Eric there with her, Im not getting shippy or anything but it would have been nice to see Ryan in there. Mainly to show the closeness of the team or at least to get a little emotion from Ryan, which is always nice. Oh but I liked the chase. That was pretty cool.

I had no idea! I didnt hear any of the things you guys are talking about. But if everything is true then that stinks! I will definitely be upset. He just started getting some good light.
Yet another really good episode for Ryan this week. Its a shame he had to change outfits but it was necessary, darn. :lol: I kind of wish they incorporated more team interactment with the Calleigh situation. It seemed to only be Eric there with her, Im not getting shippy or anything but it would have been nice to see Ryan in there. Mainly to show the closeness of the team or at least to get a little emotion from Ryan, which is always nice. Oh but I liked the chase. That was pretty cool.

I had no idea! I didnt hear any of the things you guys are talking about. But if everything is true then that stinks! I will definitely be upset. He just started getting some good light.

So it's possible he'll be put on administrative leave for the entire episode, and we'll back with the next episode? I mean I am sure he's not gambling, so what the heck is he being accused of this time. God I hope he doesn't get fired.
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And I'm going crazy on what's gonna happen...he is almost yelling with Diddy, and although I'm not really following what's going on in the spoiler thread I figured they gonna take his badge.again? Or did I misunderstand somnething?:wtf:Anyway the promo still looked like something is gonna happen to Ryan, what we have been asking for so long..

Yeah, I haven't seen the CTV promo, but Ryan is put on "administrative leave" and Horatio takes Ryan's gun and badge. I wonder if they'll show angst!!!! :)

And wow....that first picture...oh my goodness.

Let's just say we are going to need a shirtless scene. Soon.

administrative leave? so he's going to be fired?
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