Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I've never been to Hot Topic... looking at the site I feel like I've missed out on a lot... *imagines Greg in skinny jeans*
I think It'd be so totally cute if Greg took Ryan shopping there. I can imagine the look on their faces; Greg all =D and Ryan all >.< and standing around all awkward. Kinda like me in any shop... :/
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

dangerous_elite!!!! :eek: I can't believe I see you here... Wait, I forgot where have I met you before... You sound so familiar. Hmm, Ryan/Jon thread, perhaps? Oh wherever it is... YAY!!! :D *hugs*

...oh hold on... Didn't I see you from... LJ?? :eek: You're the person that posted a bunch of CSI icons! :eek: OMG you migratted here!!! YAY!!! :D I'm shesawevrything over there *cough* Oops, pardon the hyperness ;) *hands smoothies* here, have some. You're gonna need it to cool you down in this hot HOT thread :D

*also hands Lee her smoothie* Heres hun... Now you have two from me and Katie :D

Matching tattoos :eek: I think it must be Greg dragging Ryan to the tattoo parlor, kicking and screaming :D :lol:
Well, no worries, I daydream about them too. Mostly like what I share with sandersidle...

sandersidle said:
Where is everyone? :( Irma and I were talking about all of us living in Gutterville with Ryan and Greg living there too.. Wouldn't it be great if Greg was surfing, and he started drowning, so Ryan (the life gaurd) dove into the water and saved Greg? :eek:
And he would come out with water dripping of his body, carrying Greg unconcious in his (*cough* muscular) arms. And then he'd give Greg CPR.

Yes, hun. CPR. Mouth to mouth.

*cough* It's just one daydream version of the millions that I have. :lol: I was talking to Katie about living in the same neighbourhood in Gutterville. She apparently has a swimming pool in her (Guttervile) house and she would invite us all, including Ryan and Greg. And then we could force them to... skinny dip :p Her words, not mine. But I'm gonna steal it for my next daydream :devil: :lol:

Gnome781 said:
If one was sick they would both be worriers, Ryan more along the lines of hand and foot service, and Greg would make strange family remedies and rent quirky movies to keep Ryan entertained! :lol:
Awwwww I could see that, and that'd be so cute, but funny at the same time. Strange family remedies... wonder what they would be *shudders*

Greg: Nana Olaf said this ancient Wicca recipe is great for cold...
Ryan: Uh... are you sure it's safe? I mean... what's that thing you just put into it?? :eek: It's... moving... *inches away to the door*
:lol: Poor Ryan!

loozy, even your boyfriend admitted it? :eek: Wow. That rocks. And I just checked the OTP poll. I cant believe my eyes that R/G is winning... I mean, I always feel so alone out there :lol: Well, either all of us did vote, or there are more lurkers we don't know out there. OH YEAH R/G slowly start conquering the world! :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Thanks, Silhouette and sandersidle. I loved the smoothies, but yesterday my throat got worse and now whenever I talk I sound like a frog's croak. :eek: Seriously. I was talking to my friend Sarah on the phone last night and she told me that she could hardly understand me. Blame it on Thanksgiving break and the five days we get off. :lol: And Gnome, you're right. Greg would be like :D and Ryan would be like :rolleyes: and be saying, "Greg, hurry up!" like I tell most of my family members whom I go to the store with.

Hehe, tattoos and skinny-dipping (their words, not mine) and strange family remedies, oh my! :lol: Maybe we should just make a funny little story on LJ that has all of this.... starting with the tattoos and then the skinny-dipping (their words, not mine) ending up with them having to take family remedies. :) My mamaw makes a family remedy with whiskey. I know because she has a bottle of it in her fridge. *shhh, don't tell. It's a secret.* And she makes some every winter. Hopefully I won't have to take any... *shudders*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Thanks for the smoothie, Silhouette. :D
So ya noticed me around LJ?? I always though I was kinda invisible, but yay! :p

K, if that story happens, well... *dies*
Tattoos is almost enough to send me over the edge... skinny-dipping? Wow. And you know all the crazy side effects of whatever is in the remedies is just gonna be love.

Thinking about it is making me giggle. And giggling hurts. damnit! Stupid piece of metal stopping me giggle like the fangirl I am...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

The thought of Ryan performing CPR on Greg is just.. mindblowing :rolleyes: Man, that's hot. Hand me a smoothie, please ;)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Wow. Ryan. CPR. Greg. :eek:*dies* *revives to worship the Ryan Greg hotness* Okay, sorry about the last pic, it wasn't dark, then I put it on photobucket and now it's dark? :confused: WTF? Anyway, I can see Greg dragging Ryan in Hot Topic, then Ryan threatens to cut him off if he did it again. ;) If Ryan got a matching tatoo with Greg then he'd have two tatoo's! :lol: That'd be so awesome~ I'm writing a fic where Greg finds out about Ryan's clown tatoo and is all "I love you even more now!" :D Does anyone have a pic of his whole tatoo? I can't find one. :( Is it ever shown on CSI? Dangerous_elite! Welcome! You might want to get a place in Gutterville. We've go some nice houseing projects, with a great view. :devil: The url code thingy didn't work. Does anybody know how to do it? I tried the FAQ and the way it said didn't work. :confused: :(


Edited to change pics to links. When you want to post a link to a pic, you can click on the "url" underneath where you post. It will bring up a box and you can copy and paste your url (on photobucket, pick the first url), hit enter, and then type what you want the link to say (I used pic1) and then hit enter. The link should work then.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Wow has it really been this long since I've been to Gutterville? I've had a bad week then Thanksgiving and ah life.... so I'm liking all the talk in here about tattoos and skinny dipping..hhmmm.
Now we know Jon has a tat but I couldn't see Ryan wanting to get one, that's why I don't think we'll ever see Jon's tat on the show even if we get lucky enough for a shirtless scene. Does anyone know if Eric has one? I could see Eric and Greg having tats and peircings.
Neelie Hot Topics is one of my fav stores, I love that place. Our mall doesn't have one but when we go to Pittsburge I always hit it up. I'm strange. I could see Greg and Eric loving Hot Topics. Eric is a Marlyn Manson fan so i'm sure he's been to one. Now Jon I'm not sure about, he might of went in when he was in college but not now and Ryan..no way the place would make his skin crawl. I could see Greg leading Ryan in there by the hand and Ryan being afraid to look at the people.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

DryPrivet, all you do with the URL thingies is go Text Here. Like if you wanted to link to one of your pics: DryPrivet's pic. I've known how to do it for a couple of years. But LJ has made it hard on me, because you have to do it a special way to get it both blue and to make it a link.

Sue, there's a cake by your name, but I'll give you proper birthday greetings tomorrow because then it'll be 11/27 in the US where we live. :p I am only on for a few minutes. I'm still sick and my chest feels all tight and everything. It's gotta be a chest cold.

And DryPrivet, you asked a question about Jon's tattoo: As far as I know, they've never shown it on CSI: Miami, but they have pics of it on JTO's gallery

Jon tattoo pic 1
Jon tattoo pic 2
Jon tattoo pic 3
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yeah! :D I finally managed to finish another Drawing!!! *happy dance* this one is Ryan/Greg, so I dedicate it to everyone here at Rugged Wonders on Talk CSI! *hugs* and Enjoy! it's rated PGish just to be safe! :lol:

Lean Closer
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Gah! Nice pics everyone! :D

And Silhouette, your manips are always awesome! :D

I feel like it's been a long while since I've been back in Gutterville. Now, we're talking about clothes again and tattoos. Oh, and Ryan giving Greg CPR would be soooo hot. I could almost see Greg pretending not to breathe, and when Ryan leans over to cover his mouth, he'd grab Ryan's head and kiss him senseless. It might upset Ryan at first, but I don't think he could stay mad at Greg for long... not after that kiss! :devil:

Okay, speaking of clothes... you know that crackfic I was working on (Sanders, the Wolfe, and the Wardrobe)? Well, here it is. I'm giving you guys the link to the first chapter in case there are others who haven't read it. But if you have, just look for and choose Chapter 2 on the top right-hand corner of the page to read it. You know how it works...

This is dedicated once again to Twiz! Belated Happy Birthday, girlie! I would've had this up yesterday, but ff.net was being a jerk. :mad: Anyway, hope this makes you laugh.


And if you so feel inclined, please leave me a review on ff.net (so the mods won't come after us with pointy sticks ;)). Let me know if Chapter 2 made you smile. I know... I'm a closet review whore. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

If you post your fic somewhere other than fanfiction.net I'll love ya forever. I'll comment and give you smooches and lowfat cake.I just made some with sprinkles. :)*tempts* My computer is a prostitute and has decided that I can't go to FF.net anymore. :( :mad: In my world Ryan got drunk in collage and got the tatoo. ;)Thank you so much for the pic, Szmandatogoholic. My mom was freaked because I fell out of my chair. :rolleyes: If Greg did get Ryan to go out to say, a club, would he eventually let himself enjoy it? Greg would be good for him, he would loosen him up. Well, ta ta!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

No problem, DryPrivet... as a matter of fact, I do. :D All of my stories are also archived in my LJ. Here's the link:


"Sanders, Wolfe, & The Wardrobe" are the last 2 entries there, so they should be easy to find.

Aw, Gnome, I just noticed you posted another artwork. Terrific! Ryan in his sweatervest is always adorable. And Greg looks like he's about to give Ryan one of those "head noogies" (does anyone else know what I'm talking about here? :lol:)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

The common room at school has mice, and when I found out today, I was like "Ahahaha, Greg didn't tidy up" cause I'd just read it.
Then I started thinking "what would happen if (young) Greg and Ryan decided they wanted to hang out at my school?!?!!?"
And last night when I was watching CSI: Miami I went to my sister in the ad break and told her that Greg had turned up and that him and Ryan were solving a case together and that they were going to move in together, but she didn't believe me.
It is going to happen one day, though. It's inevitable.

& I know what you're talking about with the "head noogies". I think... =P XD
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Shadowfax I loved that part..poor Ryan battling a mouse ROTFF and it won. I was laughing so hard as I was reading it because I could picture just what I was reading...thanks to having him in just a towel..that really helped the image be better. I could totally see Ryan being so grossed out by a rodent, they are so dirty and having one in your house thinking about where it's been walking around, ew. With his OCD he'll be cleaning house with bleach everywhere. I can't wait for the next chapter, keep it up girl..2 thumbs up.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Can't read it yet as I'm at my aunt's house and I'm afraid of her finding out I ship slash. :eek: Maybe when I get home if my mom hasn't gotten rid of our old ISP yet.
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