Rubik's cube: The addiction!


Ok I was cleaning out some stuff the other day and found my old Rubik's cube and i'm addicted!!

I was just wondering if anybody still tries to do it or has ever done it???
I know this kid who can do it in like 2 or 3 minutes, I didn't belive it until I seen it. He such a dorkus. Hh. JK I love him.
Oh wow I still have mine somewhere. I used to give up on it really easily. Last time I checked though it was pretty much non functional due to the fact that I removed the colored stickers from it one too many times to make it easier so now they just fall off. I still failed at it :p
A couple of years ago, I could do it consistently under two minutes. Haven't touched it in a while, but they're addictive as hell.
Well thanks to this I went and looked up stats :lol: And some guy did a 5x5x5 cube in a bit over 1:30 seconds. Has anyone tried anything more complex than a 3x3x3 <--- I feel like such a nerd asking this :p
the captain of our national curling team (doh, or whatever it is called in curling, skipper?) finished it on TV like in 1.30 but if I remember right his record is under 1min

Ah I don't have logics to solve it and won't even bother :p
I have one :D
My parents gave it to me when I was little to keep me quiet when we went to a restaurant. While other kids went playing outside, I stayed on my seat, playing Rubik's cube. God, I was such a nerd :rolleyes: :D

I haven't played it in a while, but I used to solve a 4x4x4 in 4 minutes. :cool:
My uncle can solve it within two minutes! :eek: I've tried a loadsa times, but I got bored and removed the color stickers and put them back in order :lol: So yeah, I CAN solve it :D

Go Hungarian inventions! :D
My best friend bought one recently and we were all sitting in the caf trying to solve it, and we were all anxious and happy, like we were getting it, but then we got stuck, and frustrated, and were throwing it off to each other, and then my friend was looking at the instructions on how to solve it, and I was like, "It's not fun to do it that way, and it's cheating!", but then I got so frustrated I went along with it, but even the INSTRUCTIONS confused us!

Apparently there's a kid in my school that can solve it in under 2 minutes, but I have no idea how... :rolleyes:
The record for a two-handed non-blindfolded 3x3x3 solve is a sliver under 10 seconds, which is fucking ridiculous. If you follow the "conventional" algorithm (the one they give in the instruction booklet, also the only way I know how to solve it), you'll never get under 45 seconds, I don't think.

I've done the 4x4x4, also, but it's too big for my hands, heh.

Guys, check this out!
Well I'm creeped out that a child who probably can't write a sentance can complete the cube extremly fast!! But feel stupid that she can do it but I cant :lol:
^^Wow! :rolleyes:

Ok, so I have never tried to solve that rubik's cube. I don't have one and, that I have noticed, noone I know has one. This thread got me thinking that I should try it out.

Probably I'll just end up with the 'take out the stickers and put them back in order' tecnique :lol: I have patience up to a certain point, but probably not enough to complete it.
Woah. That's a clever kid. I can't even solve a Rubik's cube. My mother can solve one pretty fast, too. I'll sit for hours, trying to slove it, I'll give up, hand it to her, and she'll solve it a matter of seconds. Gaaaaaaaaah!!!!