Rory Cochrane

Yeah, it sounds like he didn't do a ton of work in the episode, but I'm still pretty excited about seeing Speed again, and seeing him interact with Delko. That'll be cool! :cool:
Same here!

And I saw Right at Your Door on Tuesday night, and let me just was awesome. I highly, highly recommend this movie! Rory was great in it, and the story was just completely gripping. It's definitely a tough movie to watch since it deals with a terrorist attack and a biological threat, and how that affects these people individually.

Here are a few comments from Rory about the movie from the last CSI Files interview with him:

Cochrane: It was probably the hardest thing I've ever filmed. It's not a big flashy story with things blowing up; it's a simple story of a man and a woman who have to deal with the consequences of a terrorist attack. [In the movie], my wife goes to work and [the attack] is on the news and they’re saying don’t come into contact with the people [who were exposed to the dirty bomb] and my wife comes home and I can't let her in.

CSI Files: What led you to pick this role?

Cochrane: My manager sent me the script and then I sat down with the director. I liked the material, but I was scared to do it. Anyone [in that situation] would let his wife into the house, so I needed to try to find a way to do it [and make it understandable].

CSI Files: Given recent events, do you find the film especially relevant?

Cochrane: It's definitely topical. But I think it's more of a simple human story about the people who are left behind when these attacks happen. We're not trying to exploit people's fears; it's more about the lack of preparation of governments [to deal with terrorist attacks].
Top41 said:
And I saw Right at Your Door on Tuesday night, and let me just was awesome. I highly, highly recommend this movie!
Definately can't wait to see it!

Did you see it at the screening with Rory and the director? If so, how was the Q&A session?
^I did! Thanks for the heads up on that, btw. I get ArcLight e-mails, but they send so many and I'm bad about reading them.

The Q&A session was okay. The moderator was a little eh. The questions she asked were pretty standard and she spoke in a perfect monotone. The director talked about how he wanted to focus on the individual story of this husband and wife as opposed to making it a big, scary movie about a terrorist attack. The movie didn't have a very high budget and rather than building a house they had to find one they could use.

Rory said a lot of the same stuff he said in the interview last year, about being scared to take the role and wondering how to make the character sympathetic, because you would think in that situation the guy would let his wife in! I thought he did a good job with that in the film.
Top41 said:
^I did! Thanks for the heads up on that, btw. I get ArcLight e-mails, but they send so many and I'm bad about reading them.
No problem :) I'm bad about reading them too, but with "Rory Cochrane" in the subject line, it caught my attention! :lol:

Thanks for the info about the Q&A session. Sucks the moderator was blah. You should have marched to the stage and grabbed the mic and been like "Let me take it from here, I know what I'm doing!" :lol: Seriously, you should have. Your interviews are always great! :)
^Thank you! :) Yeah, I was shocked at how bad she was given that this was an AFI event. She would repeat questions that the audience had asked even though they were speaking loud enough to be heard. I hope she was just new at it or something, but man, I did cringe.