Griss/Sara- Don't get me started, I do not like them.
Griss/Cath- I guess, they aren't exactly my first pick, but I wouldn't mind
Griss/Sofia- No thank you
Griss/Lady H- Meh, me guess
(I still think Griss and Holly (who they had to kill off) had the best chem, even though they only knew eachother a short time)
Nick/Cath- LOVE! Rock hard love, to be exact
Nick/Sara- I guess, wouldn't be my first choice, but I wouldn't mind.
Nick/Sofia- Meh, maybe
Nick/Lady H- Maybe
Warrick/Cath- Hehehe, NO!
Warrick/Sara- Yep, me love these two
Warrick/Sofia- I guess, but since there is no thread for it, me guess no one else thinks that
Warrick/Lady H- Not really happening for me
Greg/Cath- Hehehe, Tag, it's their turn to hook up, but I don't want them forever, just a fling type
Greg/Sara- Awww, so cute, but I can see this one lasting too
Greg/Sofia- This is my ulitimate Greg ship, this is the one I'd want to see getting married and stuff like that.
Greg/Lady H- Kinky, but again, more of a fling type