Revisiting the Pilot

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Mac's Personal Assistant
I'm just curious, and I doubt if there was a pilot thread to dredge up but sorry if there is. Was taking out Holly right away a method of shaking the fans up right away? I like Sara a lot better but I haven't seen many shows kill off a main character that early on. Once I did but it's rare.
i dont know why they did. maybe to bring warrick's gambling problem, and to show that sara and grissom are good friends.
I don't think she was supposed to be a main character, I'd compare her to the infamous Star Trek red shirt--never gonna get out of the ep alive. Plus, she wasn't in the opening credits.
I don't know if I remember the story. Before Sara come alone, the girl that played Holly was suppose to stay with the show but she doesn't warm up to the fans so the writer or producer decided to killed her off. Sara came alone, the fans warm up to Sara.
I think the writers were like "Hey, here's an idea: let's kill her" about halfway through the episode. Shortly after Grissom uses the golf club to spatter her blood all over a sheet of paper. And if TPTB wanted to show the dangers of the job, we always have poor little Nick. That dude has had more crap given to him than those jailguards from "No Humans Involved."
Gilbert said:
I don't know if I remember the story. Before Sara come alone, the girl that played Holly was suppose to stay with the show but she doesn't warm up to the fans so the writer or producer decided to killed her off. Sara came alone, the fans warm up to Sara.

No, I think she was doomed from the start. If the writers had intended to keep her, then she would have been in the opening credits, instead of her name just appering while the show played.
I agree she was supposed to be written out the first show. I remember an interview with JF saying she was going to do this show about forensics long before it aired.
Don't they film like the whole series all at once anyway, so if the fans didn't warm up to her, then it would have been too late to take her out. And also, no one can really judge a character just by a first appearance really, sometimes it takes time to like a character. So I think that they had planned it from the start.
jazzfan said:
I agree she was supposed to be written out the first show. I remember an interview with JF saying she was going to do this show about forensics long before it aired.

then probably it was to show the dangers of the job.
Yeah I think that it's obvious she was supposed to be killed off from the start. There was a ton of foreshadowing, like when she was talking to Catherine, and how everything seemed to be going wrong for her.

It's actually kinda funny because my friend and I were re-watching it the other night and cause my name is Holly we were talking about how the same exact thing would happen to me if I was her. It's weird.
i have a question, you know how nick and cath where supposed to make out in the second episode, shortly after he got his promotion... or is that the first episode, ya, its the first. ANYWAY, how could they even think about putting that in, it was bad enough holly was going to be killed off the show, but a nick/cath thing going on, EWW! doesnt that bother anyone else?
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