'Resurrection' Promo Available

CSI Files

The promo for <I>CSI: Miami</I>'s upcoming season premiere <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/miami/season7/resurrection.shtml">"Resurrection"</a> is now available online.<p>Season six ended with a bang. As season seven begins, the CSIs are looking for answers. Could the person responsible for shooting Horatio be one of their own? "Resurrection" was written by <font color=yellow>Barry O'Brien</font>.<p>The promo can be viewed below, followed by a full transcript. (Please note that the transcript may contain errors.)<p><center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/puZHMrzw3EQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/puZHMrzw3EQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center><p><dl><dt><dd>[Horatio Caine removes his sunglasses]<p></dt><dt><b>LAST MAY</b><p><dd>[Text over: 'One bullet']<p></dt><dt><b>ONE BULLET</b><p><dd>[Horatio falls to the ground]<p></dt><dt><b>CHANGED EVERYTHING</b><p><dd>[Horatio lays in a pool of blood]<dd>[A body bag is zipped closed]<dd>[Text over: 'A funeral']<p></dt><dt><b>BUT IF YOU'RE EXPECTING A FUNERAL</b><p><dd>[Ron Saris speaks to a woman]<dd><b>Ron</b>: Is Caine dead, are you kidding me?<dd>[Text over: 'You']<dd>[Frank Tripp aims his gun over the roof of a police car as shots are fired]<dd><b>Tripp</b>: Everybody get down!<dd>[Text over: 'Don't']<dd><b>Ryan Wolfe</b>: It's gonna be like the wild, wild west.<dd>[Car explodes]<dd>[Text over: 'Know']<dd>[The door of a police car is thrown open]<dd>[Eric Delko lifts a woman from a car]<dd>[Men in dark hoodies fire automatic weapons]<dd>[Jake Berkeley kisses Calleigh Duquesne]<dd>[Horatio's son Kyle Harmon aims a gun]<dd>[Text over: 'Miami']<dd>[Close-up of Calleigh's face]<dd><b>Calleigh</b>: I think I know who shot Horatio.<dd>[Eric and Calleigh stand next to each other]<dd><b>Eric</b>: Must have been someone close.<dd>[Horatio lays on the ground]<dd>[Ryan looks at a message on his phone: 'It's done']<dd>[Close-up of Ryan's face]<dd>[Text over: '<I>CSI: Miami</I>, season premiere']<dd>[Text over: '9.22.08']</dt></dl><p>"Resurrection" will air September 22 on CBS. Thanks to <font color=yellow>Hcrazy1228</font> on <A class="link" HREF="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a>.<center></center>
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

[The door of a police car is thrown open][Eric Delko lifts Calleigh Duquesne from a car]
UMMM... so apparently it IS Calleigh that Eric is picking up! OOMG. I'm freaking out. Wasn't it supposed to be the 2nd epi where she's supposed to be involved in a car accident? Wow y'all I'm confused and nervous!
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

Well, it looked like Calleigh to me - if anybody who saw it on TV could clarify, that would be great. The YouTube video was kinda blurry (and it went by so fast)...
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

Honestly, it looked like her to me too, and it looked kind of like the back of the Crossfire that she drives. Who knows! I've seen it once on TV but yet again, it goes by really fast.
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

[The door of a police car is thrown open][Eric Delko lifts Calleigh Duquesne from a car]
UMMM... so apparently it IS Calleigh that Eric is picking up! OOMG. I'm freaking out. Wasn't it supposed to be the 2nd epi where she's supposed to be involved in a car accident? Wow y'all I'm confused and nervous!
Well I can tell you that that girl is not Calleigh;).
Eric is going to save that girl in the first episode instead of pursuing a suspect.
Calleigh will have be victim of a car crash in the second episode

[Ron Saris speaks to a woman]
What I really wanted to write was '[Ron Saris likes white suits]' :p
:lol: This is so true.
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Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

Well I can tell you that that girl is not Calleigh;).
Okie-doke, I changed the transcript. (You might want to put the next bit in a spoiler box, though, since we haven't seen the first episode.)
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

Well I can tell you that that girl is not Calleigh;).
Okie-doke, I changed the transcript. (You might want to put the next bit in a spoiler box, though, since we haven't seen the first episode.)
Oh no problem. I thought it was Calleigh too before reading the other spoilers:lol:
I changed it;)
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

I just wanted to point out that Resurrection is spelled wrong in the title of the thread and on the main CSIFiles page. Just saying.

And I'm just a little P.O.ed that Jake is kissing Calleigh. That is all.
Re: 'Ressurection' Promo Available

My spelling r sux. :eek:

ETA: Fixed, although it's still showing up wrong on the 'last post' thing. :p