In the TV Guide article it said "CBS is expected to find someone with seasoned TV chops" now to me seasoned would be say Christopher Meloni, beings he was on L&O for many years, and popular would be the longevity of a show. So some of these stars mentioned I'm sure are great, but are they "seasoned" actors and have they got strong TV backgrounds?
Yes. You don't have to be a household name to be a seasoned TV actor. Some of the movie actors you've named aren't household names either but that doesn't negate that they are seasoned movie actors.
Again, just because you personally don't know who these people are doesn't mean they don't fit the network's qualifications.
I never said I didn't know who they were, I was going by the TV Guide article, those are not my words, but their's. And I also didn't say "household name" or big movie star. CBS stated this, not me and it was their comment about a
"someone with seasoned TV chops", and I interpreted this as a celebrity who was well known~