Recent Purchases

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English Toffee milkshake, which makes me a very bad girl because I'm supposed to be on a diet. :lol:
I brought Madonna`s new album this morning, actually this is the first Madonna album I have ever brought :eek:

It's fantastic! :D
I bought Ice Cappucino from San Francisco Coffee, and I also bought an umbrella because I have to go to college and it was raining :p
"Cookie Cutouts" Body Butter from the dollar section at Target. Smells yum and feels wonnnnnnderful on the skin. I must get more...

i got plane tickets (but not gonna use them :( )
mo3 player denver 1 gb
a new cellphone sharp gx25
and soonnnnnnn a xbox 360... weeee
:eek: I bought something today that I <3 a LOT.

An orange juice bottle! :D Yeah well, I do appreciate little things... :rolleyes:
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