Hey...I was bored and decided to start a thread on recent buys anyone has made. From CD's to Movies, to Video Games, To Clothes, anything APPROPRIATE.
Recent Purchases From Me:
All-American Rejects : Move Along (CD)
Wihtout A Trace : Season 1
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Dynasty Warriors (PSP)
Twisted Metal Head-On (PSP)
I know we have a thread like this for CSI stuff, but I was thinking other purchases that you guys made, not involving CSI stuff.
Recent Purchases From Me:
All-American Rejects : Move Along (CD)
Wihtout A Trace : Season 1
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Dynasty Warriors (PSP)
Twisted Metal Head-On (PSP)
I know we have a thread like this for CSI stuff, but I was thinking other purchases that you guys made, not involving CSI stuff.