Recent Purchases

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Detective_Burn said:

Jayne, you´re smoking? :confused: What a bad idole for the pupils. :eek:
Heh.. oh dear.. don't tell anyone but I even inserted special smoke-breaks for me and my pupils between two classes :rolleyes: I was such a bad teacher at that school.. I hated teaching there actually, I only liked the kids, they liked me back but I was constantly in rows with some colleagues.
*deleted* ;) Ok, so I haven't deleted it, but still :p
Have disappointed many people by it though.. :) I've quit many times before.. I just need a very good reason to quit these days. I just need to smoke when I'm stressed, and let's face it I'm stressed.. but I have it under control, thanks to the ciggies.. I might stop smoking again after about a month :D

Last things I bought:
- hotdogs
- bread
- mayonaise
- curry

heh, guess what I'm going to have for lunch? :)
Don´t know if you knew, there´re much better methods of contoling stress. Really reliable ones. :p Period. On with topic:

Your lunch, hu?
Maybe hotdogs and curry-bread? :D
rubber boots on saturday, not that i need them right now, it´s boiling hot outside but i go on a field trip next week, studying water life :D
tv magazine bought today
*raises hand* I'll have one Det :D Yum.. peach is my fave when it comes to ice tea.. it's not with bubbles, is it? Because then I don't want it :p

I'm going to wait till my hair is dry (just gotten out of the shower and standing in front of a fan now), and then I'm off to buy credit for my mobile phone.. 20 euros :) That'll keep me good for another day or 4 :rolleyes: I've never spend so much money on texting in my entire life. :eek:
Pouring Jaynes tea. "Here you are - no bubbles." Cheers! :)

So this can only mean the messages you sent are important. No Life without SMS. :D

P.S. Why don´t you just ask the wind to dry your hair? ;)
^Thanks :) *sips from icetea without bubbles*
The sms I sent are indeed important.. well thing is that I promised someone to sent her a text, and I had only 19 cents left, so that didn't get me far.. now to continue with that.. I bought the top-up card, and when I tried to top it up it said that it was invalid.. so I ran back to the store after trying several times and they told me they had probably forgotten to activate all the cards :rolleyes: They tried phoning Vodafone, but they could only be reached between 9 and 5 so I have to come back tomorrow and they'll activate it for me then.. arghhh :( So I bought the credit, but it doesn't work :mad:

Oh and the wind isn't blowing and I'm inside :p
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