Recent Purchases #2

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- I preordered 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' *yay* :D
- two packages of lasagne
- 70 ltr. of gas :D
- ice tea
- 'Stern' magazine

- A book: Cisco Networking Academy Program Second-Year Companion Guide :lol:
- Cookies, candies, cupcakes etc. (yeah all of them are for me, but don't worry they'll last lots of days *yummy* :p)
- Shoes :D
A pair of new trainers.
A red sweatshirt.
A black, a red, a green and a pink T-shirt.
An orange sweatshirt for my little cousin...So cute. I love baby's clothes.

And it was it for an entire afternoon shopping, plus the clothes my mother bought for herself. Worth it, I guess, but I don't want to do one of these soon. I am just too much tired.
Okay! I just bought like two seconds ago a slurpee (a slushie)

but over the last two days (with the help of my friend of course) I have boughten:
Hair dye
Rental Video
Movie tickets
And food :lol:
Bullet_Girl said:
- NYPD Blue S2


-Zesty Nachos from Taco Bell...OMG yummy...and 99 cents too...for a college student that's heaven to my ears!!!
-gasoline...$5 worth, which isn't much anymore T_T
-pre-order on 'Full House' season 6 *cheers*
I bought a black and white bouncy ball...whose name is Super Duper Emo Bouncy Ball! Buwhahaha.

I also bought a "veggie burito" (basically lettuce, tomato and beans) and a Dr. Pepper :D
- M&Ms Crispy
- Jogger liquorice
- 2 glasses of sweet-and-sour vegetable
- one pound turkey fillet
- a package of one-way gloves :D
- chips
~ Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney- Justice For All- Nintendo DS :p (I know it's just a video game but this is so frustrating!! :lol: :p It's my kind of game though. Showing the evidence that nails the perp, aha! :D :p)
~ A package of Juicy Fruit :p (it went sooo fast :lol: That's what you get for being nice and sharing with your sister :p)
~ A $1.00 churro from the department store (ooh it was good. Not the best I've had but full of fried cinnamon-y yumminess :D)
~ A medium drink from the department store- twas Coke. Although when I filled it up at the dispenser I didn't realize it was flat. I had drank like half of it before I realized it tasted funny :rolleyes: I should've known because the machine made a funny noise at me :p
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