Ratings Round-Up

CSI Files

Two members of the franchise come up short in the 18-49 demo.<p>On Monday, <I>CSI: Miami</I> pulled in 14.51 million viewers, putting it ahead of <I>True Beauty</I> (5.94 million) and <I>Momma's Boys</I> (4.88 million) in the 10:00pm hour. In the 18-49 demographic, <I>Miami</I> easily beat the competition with a 3.7 rating/9 share, increasing to 3.8/10 at the half-hour. <I>Beauty</I> came in second with 2.7/7, and <I>Boys</I> was third with 1.8/4, increasing to 1.9/5 at 10:30pm.<p><I>CSI: New York</I> won its timeslot in overall viewers on Wednesday with 11.75 million, followed by the second half of the <I>Lost</I> season premiere (11.09 million) and <I>Law and Order</I> (8.49 million). <I>Lost</I> (5.0/12, 4.9/13 at the half-hour) beat <I>New York</I> (3.0/8) in the key demo, and <I>Law</I> (2.5/7) came in third.<p>At 9:00pm on Thursday, <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> shared the top spot with <I>Grey's Anatomy</I>. <I>CSI</I> came in first in overall viewers with 17.53 million, and <I>Grey's</I> pulled in 14.25 million. In the 18-49 demo, <I>Grey's</I> came in first with 5.6/14 over <I>CSI</I>'s 4.9/12. NBC's combination of <I>The Office</I> (8.74 million, 4.6/11) and <I>30 Rock</I> (6.43 million, 3.2/ 8) narrowly beat <I>Bones</I> (7.52 million, 2.5/ 6) in its new timeslot on Fox. <I>Supernatural</I> rounded out the hour with 3.04 million viewers and 1.3/3 in the key demographic.<p><I>CSI</I>'s ratings were down nearly seven million viewers from last week's <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/one_to_go.shtml">"One to Go"</a>, the second half of a two-part story which introduced Dr Raymond Langston (<font color=yellow>Laurence Fishburne</font>) and said goodbye to Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>). Despite the drop, the first post-Grissom episode had ratings which were <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/news/081208_01.shtml">comparable</a> to <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/young_man_with_a_horn.shtml">"Young Man With A Horn"</a> (17.39 million viewers), which was the episode that aired before the two-parter.<p>More detailed ratings information for <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/694106481">CSI: Miami</a>, <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/921101581">CSI: New York</a> and <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/328103581">CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</a> can be found at PI Feedback.<center></center>
The ratings were down 7 million, on "The Grave Shift" from "One To Go" and it was the new LF's 2nd appearance, so what does that tell you about them going down after WP left?, is it a coincidence, or what.. time will tell if this is a pattern or not! 7 million down, that's alot, and if fans were thrilled to see the new guy, wouldn't the ratings of stayed up? I'm just wondering that's all!
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The ratings were down 7 million, on "The Grave Shift" from "One To Go" and it was the new LF's 2nd appearance, so what does that tell you about them going down after WP left?, is it a coincidence, or what.. time will tell if this is a pattern or not!

It was expected that the ratings would drop after BP left. One to Go was Billy's last show.

Still, 17 million for a show that has been on the air for nine years and has weathered three popular cast members leaving is pretty darn good.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
.CSI's ratings were down nearly seven million viewers from last week's one_to_go the second half of a two-part story which introduced Dr Raymond Langston and said goodbye to Gil Grissom Despite the drop, the first post-Grissom episode had ratings which were A Young Man With A Horn" (17.39 million viewers), which was the episode that aired before the two-parter.

Ok, way too much programming stuff, so I tried to remove most of it.

No, I don't think it's a coincidence. As more people were going to watch "One To Go" because it was Grissom's last episode. However, the drop doesn't have nothing to do with him being gone. More people tuned in to see his good-bye.

Look at what I quoted above, the ratings were slightly more than a CSI episode before Grissom's good-bye and Grissom was STILL on the show.

So, this doesn't prove anything and, yes, time will tell. How anyone could be happy or gloat about a ratings drop is beyond me. I'm a fan of the show itself and I wouldn't want to see it fail.
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The ratings for "One to Go" were extraordinarily high for the show, much less this season - even typically good numbers are going to look low in comparison. That's why I pointed out in the round-up that the numbers were comparable to the last episode before the two-parter. I'm sure people tuned in for Grissom's last episode that hadn't watched the show in years. It's not like the show went from an average of 24 million to 17 million. Taking a look at the numbers from the ratings round-ups for the season so far:

9.01 "For Warrick" - 22.98 million*
9.02 "The Happy Place" - 18.84 million
9.03 "Art Imitates Life" - 19.17 million
9.04 "Let it Bleed" - 18.64 million
9.05 "Leave Out All the Rest" - 18.11 million
9.06 "Say Uncle" - 18.93 million
9.07 "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" - 18.43 million
9.08 "Young Man With A Horn" - 17.39 million
9.09 "19 Down" - 20.61 million*
9.10 "One to Go" - 24.25 million*
9.11 "The Grave Shift" - 17.53 million

* major episode (cast-wise, with Warrick dying, Fishburne joining and Grissom leaving)

Looking at the overall average ratings for the season, it's not down by that much (since a lot of the episodes were in the mid to high 18 million range), and "Young Man With A Horn" was down a million from "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" while Grissom was still around - besides, it's still out-performing Grey's Anatomy in overall viewers (although not in the 18-49 demo, which is typical anyway), and it's still the highest rated of the three CSI shows (not even counting a lot of the other shows out there that haven't been around for as long).

17.53 million people tuning in gives me the impression that most of the audience is sticking with the show despite Petersen leaving. Some will (and have) dropped the show, but clearly there are millions of people who are willing to see what Fishburne (and the rest of the cast - lest we forget that there are still original cast members working their butts off every single week) can do. We can hardly call the show a failure for dropping after such a high in "One to Go", especially when it's still pulling in such good numbers. 17.53 million viewers is something other shows only dream of achieving.

How anyone could be happy or gloat about a ratings drop is beyond me. I'm a fan of the show itself and I wouldn't want to see it fail.
I want the show to continue to do well - it sucks that Petersen left, but personally, he wasn't the only one who made CSI, well, CSI to me. Marg, George, Eric, Robert and Paul are still around, not to mention other important actors that have joined along the way.

Honestly, I'm glad the numbers are only a million or so less than some of the earlier episodes from the season - people can leave if they want, and more power to them, but I'm not dropping a show I've watched for so long or hoping it'll fail because a man chose to leave in order to pursue a different career path. If they'd fired Petersen, maybe I'd hope that the show would waver without him, but he is the one that made the decision. And I think the show is doing well without him, just as it did well with him. Langston is shaping up to be an interesting character, and I am looking forward to seeing how he interacts with the rest of the team. Nick being sort of a mentor is a nice change, Catherine being in charge should be interesting, I think Riley has a lot of potential (and her interaction with Greg is fun)...

For me, CSI is still CSI without Grissom. It's still well made, well acted and worth watching. It's going to have a slightly different flavor now, and that's not to everybody's taste - but I still like it. ;)
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Faylinn, I totally agree with everything you said and I'm really glad that you posted the numbers for the whole season. It shows that CSI didn't have a 7 million viewer drop, since some probably just tuned in to see Grissom last episode.

It just proves my point that the show can survive without Grissom. Though I was and am sad to see Grissom go, I am equally excited to see Fishburne. I think this past episode was great.

I think Marg, George, Paul, Eric and the rest kick a** and work hard to bring such a great show each week.

Though my jury is still out concerning Riley, I like her interaction with Greg too. They could do some really good things with those two. I'm not talking about a romantic involvement, but I can see a brother/sister thing. Nick being more of a teacher will be interesting and it's nice to see a woman in charged. ;)

So Faylinn, again, thanks for posting the numbers and I'm with you 100%.
We can hardly call the show a failure for dropping after such a high in "One to Go", especially when it's still pulling in such good numbers. 17.53 million viewers is something other shows only dream of achieving.

Absolutely, 17.53 million viewers for a nine year old show! There are newer shows on TV that can barely crack the 1 million mark.

As for the key demographics-I wish CSI could crack that and kick Grey's butt. Still, the show is doing well overall and that's in spite of losing three beloved characters.

Great points made Faylinn, thanks!
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yeah, those ratings were very predictable. obviously, the audience is leveling off after Grissom's departure.

i find Langston's new-ness both funny and a little annoying. usually showing a character that is a rookie to the profession serves the purpose of introducing the whole idea of the show to the viewers. this time audience knows more about forensics than Langston does and, to me, it is a little irritating, although sometimes quite hilarous. (gotta love Hodges.)

so if TPTB gives Langston a speed-course of how to be a CSI, at the same time bringing some humor with it, it's ok. but if Langston continues to be a rookie for longer than necessary, the audience might get bored with it fast (how many times have we seen it already? Greg, Ronnie, Wendy, hell there is always a newbie on this show).

my projection would be, that if Langston doesn't gain authority relatively soon, the ratings might drop. if he is suppossed to be the center of the show, not Catherine, he needs to learn quicker than it is realistic. it's a great thing that he has a medical set of skills, but that is not something we haven't seen so far. Grissom worked as a coroner before becoming a CSI, but he came with a bug fetish bonus. i would like to see Langston excelling in one of the forensic specializations too, if he wants to last.

i know that WP didn't want Grissom to become a hero, but involuntarily or not, Grissom was one, one way or another. i'm not sure if Langston has what it takes to become a leading man (Langston, not Fishburne).
ouch grey's, what did they do to piss off their viewers?

Considering how young the show is, the amount of advertisment and buzz, they are not doing so well. CSI is in the ninth season (which is when most tv shows die off), just lost 2 supporting cast members, and one lead, who was probably the best, most distinctive tv characters on tv right now, and they STILL beat Grey's in overall viewers.

The 18-49 demo is BS now. Baby Boomers are aging, and they probably have the most money to spend on useless crap now. Not to mention they make up a big bulk of the population.
Thank's Faylinn for the ratings, I was interested to see those, I post the ratings weekly on the TV Media thread, so that's cool, and nobody was gloating or happy:confused: It was a question and a comment. I wonder where all those 7 millions folks were or what they watched that night! LF is awsesome and we were talking about his versatility in movies like "21" where he was the eye in the sky security guy and "Bobby" where he played a chef the night Bobby Kennedy was shot way back in the 60's. And so many more. He's great, and doing well in this portrayal of the new CSI, he's just not Grissom:(