random csi miami idea i had in a dream......


Dead on Arrival
ok so i have been working on this theory horatio has a daughter! but im not gonna give to much away :devil: so your gonna have to read it chapter by chapter! lol,.... please comment on whst you think!

Fade in

[ cue gunshot]

Girl: what do you want please don’t hurt me …. Please

Man: I wanted you, but you rejected me bitch, for that you must suffer

Cut to: [ man pushes her down on the ground hitting her with a plank of wood}

[girls screams until is eventually knocked out]

Cue titles: { the who – wont get fooled again} we don’t get fooled again. Don’t get fooled again. No, no!

Cut to: daylight ( sirens wailing as we see Horatio climbing from the hummer and walking up to Calleigh.

Horatio: [ looks at Calleigh] so, what do we have here.

Calleigh: well, I haven’t gone inside yet as I am waiting for back up, but eye witnesses say there was a man in a costume mask, which looked like Tony Blair, with a gun dragging in a young female, there was a single shot fired. Suspect could still be in the building.

Horatio: ok follow my lead

[ both head to the door of the building, the door is jarred open, they both pause outside the door guns positioned to the door, Horatio kicks the door open.]

Horatio: Miami dade police!

[ they look around, seeing no one around they holster there weapons]

Cut to: Calleigh looking around

[ Horatio walks up to Calleigh]

Horatio: ok you take upstairs I’ll stay downstairs; you see anything, shout immediately.

Calleigh: you know it!

Cut to: Horatio pushing a door open with the tips of his fingers and walking inside

Cut to: Calleigh searching upstairs,

Calleigh: [shouting] Horatio I’m not seeing anything up here I’m coming down

Horatio: [ sees a familiar face shot dead on the ground. Looks further in the room to see a young woman.]

[ runs up to the female]

Horatio: ma’am! [no response] ma’am! [ still no response, checks for pulse]

Get me rescue now!

Calleigh: we’ve got a live one?

Horatio: yes, a young female. But not so much luck for the other guy [ Calleigh tilts here head to the side to see a black man dead]

Calleigh: oh my!

Horatio: Fed,

Calleigh: no not that, I know who he is! Look at her though, she looks just like you!

Horatio: [looks at her face] Elouisa?

Calleigh: Elouisa? Who’s that?

Horatio: years ago I was in a relationship, we had one child, a little girl we named Elouisa, but we were still young and put her up for adoption, could this be her? It’s the only way I could explain the alikeness between myself and her.

Calleigh: I seriously don’t know what to say, it could be her. She certainly does look like you!

[ resue walks in]

Man: ooooo, she’s pretty badly beaten, any name?

Horatio: not at this minute we need to find ID

Man: ok

[ rescue lifts girl onto trolley and starts wheeling her out]

Calleigh: go with her, look, I’m sure she’ll be fine and if it is her, I think it would be nice for her waking up to see her real Dad!

Horatio: but…

Calleigh: but nothing! I can manage here, I’m not a little girl anymore

[Horatio chuckles]

Calleigh: go! Now! That’s an order from a lieutenant!

Horatio: maybe I should have thought before I gave you that promotion!

[they both chuckle]

Calleigh: look, if you don’t go this instant I might get a bit angry with my LT!

Horatio: ok I’m off now! See you back at the lab

[ follows after rescue]

Calleigh: bye!
