Quotes you won't hear : Shipper style


you know how they're always telling us not to post shippy quotes in the quotes you won't hear threads? well here's a thread where you can post as shippy quotes as you like!!

please follow these few simple rules...

1. please don't post anything that is offensive or too graphic in any way.

2. please don't put down or insult other ships in a manner that people will find mean and offensive.

3.please don't post quotes that are too long. i.e. quotes that are more than 7 or 8 lines.

so have fun and happy posting!!!!
H:I have lots of sugar!
Cal:Not that kind H!
H:well crap!
you know how they're always telling us not to post shippy quotes in the quotes you won't hear threads?
Where's that at? In the NY threads, there's always shippy quotes in that thread.

If this game becomes fairly popular, I'll pin it to the top of the forum. ;)
Its said in the Miami thread. Totally against it in that one. Chup, glad you made this... Now if only I could remember those qoutes I wasn't allowed to post there...
Okay this is two with Danny and Flack

Mac is talking about a case.

Danny: I gotta pee, I gotta pee, I gotta pee". As he squeezes his legs together and wiggles.

Standing off to the side Flack is watching his Danny, dance.

Mac: "Danny, what the hell you doing over there"?

Danny: Nothin Mac, I'm fine, go ahead.

Flack walks over and stands beside Danny. Leaning down to his ear he whispers....."Listen Danny, I thought I told you, to leave the lover's call dance for when we are alone.

Danny: Flack, love, you forgot your lunch.

Flack:(hugs him) Thanks hun, see you tonight.

As Danny walks away, he can hear Flack singing....

"I love Danny, I love him a bunch, because he always puts cupcakes in my lunch.....
*Ryan and Calleigh are watching an evidence video*
Ryan:eek:k...lets get this over with.
Calleigh:eek:k. *She plays the video*
Ryan:hey this isn't the evidence vie..oh my god is that Eirc and Natalia?
Calleigh:eek:h my god it is! wow. someone has been doing yoga.
Ryan:this gives me an idea *winks*
Calleigh: yeah lets sign up for yoga!!
Ryan: :rolleyes:
*Ryan was examining a net and he gets tangled in it*
Ryan:ahh! help me!!
Calleigh:what are you doing?
Ryan:I'm baking a freaking cake! what does it look like i'm doing!?
Calleigh:eek:k chill *she goes to help him and gets tangled with him* great now we're stuck.
Ryan:well seeing as were already down here we might as well..you know :devil:
*Ryan and Calleigh started making out, still tangled in the net and Eric walks in*
Eric:Why don't you two and the net get a room for crying out loud!:rolleyes: wierdos.
Grissom: As I'm in such a fine mood today, Hodges, do you fancy joining me in the supply closet?

Now that's definitely something we'd never hear...and probably wouldn't want to :rolleyes:
Need4Speed that sounds like something that would happen in the current CSI Miami add a line
Sara appears in the doorway of Catherine's office, holding a red rose in her hand.

"Cath.. I love you..Will you marry me?"
(Sara's line is from Rashomama.)

Sara:(to Nick) I need your hands.
Nick: Sure. Any specific place where you want them, or do I get to choose?
Haha Misery that quote made me burst out laughing at work!! :devil: Oops. I love your one for H to CSINicole, I can totally picture him saying things like that