Vid games 6/10 Sorry - Atari was not in our house (those games were released before I was born tho) I was raised with Philips Videopac G7000 (aka Magnavox Odyssey²) and the kickass game Pickaxe Pete *sobs* Then we changed to Commodore 64 and then NES was released
Vid Games 5/10. 3 I knew for sure. I played Wolfenstein 3D so I recognized the concept. Paperboy, I used to play that on my Commodore 64. I'm 18 by the way, but we kept that Commodore 64 until 2004 or so.. Until nobody played it anymore so my dad threw it out. Unfortunately.. But we had 2 of those and I think there's a chance that he kept the second
Spy Secrets 6/10. I nearly freaked out when I didn't see any James Bond question at first, luckily the last one was a JB question which I had *trumble* CORRECT