Quiz Thread #6

Space Bar Challenge - 168/225
Game Show or Not - 20/20 with 2:27 left I love game shows! :lol:
Oscar Best Actor Search - 64/75
English words. I got 50/100. It's late and I'm tired. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :D

Things that are Square. I got 17/20. I had no idea what 2 of them were.

Disney Movies. I got 3 correct.
Disney Movies - 2/16 - my only attempts with a foreign language were met with failure! :eek:

Things that are Square - 20/20 with 3:15 left

English words - 75/100

Name the TV Show - 13/36 Obviously...I don't watch any of the ones I missed! :lol:
Museum Cities - 10/25
Logo Rainbow - 18/24
Name the TV show. I got 8/36 and I only watch 1 of the shows that I got correct. The ones that I missed I don't watch.

Museum Cities. I got 14/25

Rainbow logos. I got 14/24
Actors in 3 Decades - 45/90

One Year Earlier - 20/24 - knew I clicked on the wrong one the second I did it on two of them!

'B' Antonyms - 19/30

Actors in Three Decades - 34/90
One Year Earlier - 21/24 That made my head hurt! :lol:
'B' Antonyms - 22/30
Did the earlier Disney one.. got probably 4. It really doesn't help that sometimes Finnish names are not even close :p But I was so exicted about the Finnish one!

tv shows by characters 11/36 - I seem to watch only bad shows :p Tho a few I knew even I haven't watched but have read/heard about them
Click-formercials. Since I don't watch informericals I pleased with what I got. I got 12/22

Corporate Cuts. I got 3/24

Minute Morsel. I got 6/6 with 43seconds left :)